Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Pest Analysis for market occupying Essay
Pest analysis: The following pest analysis has been created for three markets separately. Pest analysis stands for political, economic, socio-cultural and technological environment. Use of the pest analysis guides our company to work according to the changes taking place in these categories. Moreover good use of the analysis assist the company to avoid taking action that is condemned to failure from the outset, for reason beyond its control. The following is a pest analysis created for the market occupying Dubai and London. Socio-cultural: There is vast cultural difference in regard to locals in these countries. Both the countries’ population consists of various other nationalities. Dubai and London has tolerance of other religions and culture. Population density: London (12,450/sq mi (4,807/km2), Dubai 408.18/km2 (1,057/sq mi). Political: Legal and regulatory bodies: Both the countries share strict aviation based regulation and laws. Regulatory body for London: CAA (civil aviation authority) Regulatory body for Dubai: DCAA (Dubai Civil aviation Authority) There is no such political conflict in this market, which makes business between these two countries quite versatile. Market: Dubai and London Economical: London: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased 0.8 per cent Dubai: finance official predicts the UAE economy will top US$272 billion (S$361 billion)- 2010 Foreign exchange market: Pound sterling- 12.9% (daily share). London’s largest industry is finance. Tourism is one of London’s prime industries. Dubai is also an international financial centre and has been ranked 37th. Technological: Dubai’s industry growth had given way for technological advancement. Use of technology has increased: London based companies in Dubai. London has various companies advising on the use of new technologies to other companies. Airlines based in Dubai use advanced technology to operate their businesses in London and Hong Kong. Pest analysis occupying the market in Dubai and Hong Kong: Socio-cultural: Hong Kong: the culture is a mix of the Chinese roots with influences from its time as a British colony. Dubai: Dubai is a highly cosmopolitan society with a diverse and vibrant culture. Honk Kong Population density: 6480/km2 16,576/sq mi. Dubai 408.18/km2 (1,057/sq mi). Dubai and Hong Kong has an established business link, which is an advantage to the aviation industry. Political: Legal and regulatory bodies: Dubai’s aviation regulatory body: DCAA (Dubai Civil aviation Authority), Hong Kong: Civil Aviation Administration of China. Government of Hong Kong: Non-sovereign partial democracy with unelected executive. Hong Kong continues to follow the English Common Law tradition established under British rule. Dubai and Hong Kong has no existing political conflicts. Market: Dubai and Hong Kong Economical: Hong Kong: an important centre for international finance and trade. Hong Kong dollar: 2.4% (daily share) Hong Kong GDP growth rate: economy is expected to grow 5 percent in 2010, may shrink 2 percent this year. Unemployment: 4.3% (July 2010). Main exports partners: China, US and Japan. Technological: Dubai’s industry growth has given way for technological advancement. The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) in Hong Kong supports applied research and development (R&D) and technology transfer and application. Hong Kong has seen a rise in technological advancement which has contributed to economic and social development. Pest analysis for market occupying in London and Hong Kong: Socio-cultural: Hong Kong: the culture is a mix of the Chinese roots with influences from its time as a British colony. In terms of population, London is the 25th largest city. London is also home to sizeable Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and Jewish communities. Social trend (London and Hong Kong): career oriented, working class, low level of death rate. Technological: The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) in Hong Kong supports applied research and development (R&D) and technology transfer and application. Hong Kong has seen a rise in technological advancement which has contributed to economic and social development. London has a vibrant and growing IT sector. The region boasts over 350 companies with approximately 8000 employees. Economical: The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is the 6th largest in the world. London is a major financial centre for international business and commerce. Public debt: London: 68.5% of GDP (2009 est.). Hong Kong: 14.5% of GDP (2008 est.) Labor force: Hong Kong: 3.64 million (2007 est.) London: provincial unemployment rate fell from 8.9% to 8.6%. (2010) Market: London and Hong Kong Political: Legal and regulatory bodies: Hong Kong: Civil Aviation Administration of China. London: CAA (civil aviation authority) Hong Kong follows a free trade policy and hence maintains basically no barriers on trade. There are various laws and regulations implied on businesses being set up in London, even for trading as well.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Positive Behaviour Support Essay
Policies and Procedures of the Work Setting There are many different policies and procedures that schools have to abide by some of these are; Behaviour policy- The behaviour policy goes over topics like how to treat others, how you should act in the premises, how you should talk to others and how you should do something when you have been told to do it etc. The policy also goes over rules and consequence’s if the rules are not followed. It goes over how they use positive behaviour support when a child has done well. It explains responsibilities, the curriculum, the values and how rules are reinforced to the children. Bullying policy- In all schools they now have a 0% tolerance on bullying, the policy goes over many things about the anti-bullying policy. It ensures that everyone should be able to work in a safe, caring and productive environment with no fear of being bullied or feeling like they can’t tell anyone if they are. It helps members of the school attend and sort the incident when it occurs. It explains that all bullying should be reported if spotted, if told about it or if you are the victim, it also explains that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated and consequences will be giving out where and when appropriate. Attendance policy- The attendance policy follows the pupil registration act 2006. All teachers are responsible for taking all registers in the morning and in the afternoon after lunch. Students should turn up for school everyday unless they are ill or have appointments but the school should be informed if this happens. If a child doesn’t turn up for school or fails to turn up at all authorities are usually brought into see what the situation is and fix it. The deputy head and the secretary are responsible for collecting up all the registers and looking them over to see for any cause for concern following it up with the head of school. Child Protection policy- The CPP is put in place to safe guard the students. It explains that students are encouraged to talk and be listened to, that they have someone to approach with any problems, gives advice about how to stay safe and people they can talk to if they do not. All staff are provided with a copy of the CPP at the beginning of the academic. All teachers have a duty of care to the children involved so they can be safe and protected from harm while in school. All children have a right to be protected from something that can cause harm. All staff and volunteers should be able to make informed and confident decisions and responses to specific child protection issues. All these policies support positive behaviour in many different ways. The behaviour policy supports positive behaviour by it explaining to teachers how to deal with a child when they are acting antisocially in the setting. It also explains to them how to use positive behaviour support when a child or chil dren has done well. The bullying policy supports positive behaviour in children by setting rules and boundaries ensuring that children can work in a safe and caring environment. It helps teachers explain to children what is accepted as bullying and why they shouldn’t hurt other children etc. in a fun way so children understand that they shouldn’t intentionally hurt someone. The attendance policy helps teachers see who is a cause for concern and who isn’t. If a child is absent they are not learning anything and not being helped to do things they would do in school. So it helps the teacher try and get children back into school to keep them positive about it. Child protection policy helps positive behaviour as all children are encouraged to speak and be listened to when there is or isn’t a problem so they know they will be heard which keeps them positive when there’s something wrong as they know they can tell someone when something is wrong. If they have someone in a scho ol they can trust they are more likely to tell them about what is going on which helps them know they have a voice and will be listened to. The Importance of Consistent Rules and Boundaries It is very important that we apply rules and boundaries to children when working in a setting. Rules and boundaries are set so all children can be treated the same not one rule for one and one rule for another, all children know where they stand with teachers and so all children can understand what is considered appropriate behaviour. Rules and boundaries need to be consistent and regularly reinforced by an adult. If messages are not clear to them or if they are conflicting and contradictive they are going to get confused and maybe frustrated and will then find it hard to behave. If children are met with the same response every time they do something wrong they will be less likely to repeat at a later day. All rules and boundaries should be suitable for their age and stage of development and all language used should be clear and make sense not to confuse the children. You must make all your expectations clear so they know how to act and behave. The Benefits of Encouraging and Rewarding Good Behaviour There are many benefits of encouraging and rewarding good behaviour to the child you are working with, other children in the setting and carers; The Child- Encouraging and rewarding good behaviour for a child has many benefits, they learn that when they have done or are doing well at something they will get something good out of it and if they are doing the wrong they will learn that they will get ignored or depending on the severity of it they will get consequences. It helps them succeed in their work etc. a lot better and makes them happier to do work. It sets a positive out look on stuff they wouldn’t usually like doing and gives them more enthusiasm to go further on with their work. It also makes them more able and gives them a better outlook on school life. Other Children- If other children see you giving a child encouraging and rewarding good behaviour they are also more likely to follow on with it. If they realise their behaviour isn’t be rewarded by someone else’s is they are going to try and do the same to get positive support. It will make them more motivated to do their work and behave as they are then getting something out of it. It will help them be more into their work and their progress will get better. Carer- Carers meaning teachers and others working in the setting would also benefit from children being positively supported as they would be able to work better with the child as they might not be as stubborn and it might make them more a willing to do something they wouldn’t usually do. Their behaviour would be better which would make them better to teach as they would listen and become more into the lesson. The work the children produce would be better as they are listening more and there are less class disruptions so there’s no starting and stopping. The teacher would have a lot more time to help other children that need it and be able to fit more into a day.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Commonwealth Government's Work Choices Legislation Essay
Commonwealth Government's Work Choices Legislation - Essay Example It rationalized the existing classification structures so they remain relevant to the modern workplace relations system while recognizing the different skill sets of employees. Revitalized dismissal laws whereby the Government will protect all employees from unlawful termination and dismissal on discriminatory grounds such as race, colour, sex, union membership, pregnancy, etc. Any liberalization moves are bound to inconvenience some self-serving caucus who are the beneficiaries of non-competitive enterprise arrangement. In Australia it included Trade Unions, Business Community and opposition political parties who has the natural accumen to fish in muddled water. In a modern democratic set up such constitutional disputes finally land up in the highest court of law for legitimacy. The Australian High Court decreed this with a majority verdict in favour of the government. The organized working class consists of a large chunk of the population in any country. They mainly constitute the middle class and are the opinion makers and can exert envious influence on the polity of a nation. In a democratic country they constitute sizable vote bank, which a political party can ignore at their own peril. The successful Bolshevist Revolution, the decisive defeat of Communism in Germany with the help of organized labor movement, the progressive metamorphosis of American capitalism into a "welfare capitalism", etc. are indelible models where working class became important tools to usher in lasting impact on the contemporary society. Therefore, we see a deep-rooted nexus between political parties and trade unions all over the world. Theirs is a husband and wife relationship, indispensable to both. With mutual understanding and cooperation both can survive the travails of life; and any impudence on the part of one can destroy the prospects of both. In most modern de mocratic countries we see political parties with the imbibed philosophy and names of the working class struggle. Instances are many where trade union leaders have risen to positions to guide the destiny of their nation. It is therefore, inevitable for any ruling setup in a country to succumb to the influence of the organized labor unions. The intense lobbying by trade unions for the passage of The Employee Free Choices Act of America, by the US Law-Makers is a live example of the trade union domination over political parties. Recently, with Democrats gaining majority in the Congress the Bill was passed in the House of Representatives and is struggling to get past the Senate where Democrats do not have majority. It will certainly become a law after the next presidential elections due to strong labor pressures and lobbying. Background to the Work Choices Legislation The Liberal and National Coalition's 2004 Election Manifesto1 had committed to the electorate to introduce a "Flexible Workplace Relations" in the economic activities of the country.A New Workplace
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Is family therapy (a.k.a. Maudsley method) more effective treatment Research Paper
Is family therapy (a.k.a. Maudsley method) more effective treatment than individual therapy for anorexia nervosa - Research Paper Example is has been followed by researches and counter researches that are meant to disapprove either of the procedures and come up with the best therapy that suites everyone. Comparisons have been made to each of the therapies s as to identify loopholes that may be used to criticize either of the procedures. The controversies rose from prescriptions from doctors. Some doctors recommended that patients suffering from anorexia nervosa stood a better chance of quick recovery through family therapy. On the other hand, other doctors recommended that such patients were better off if they adopted individual therapy as a mode of healing their complication. As a result, there was conflict of interest. Many have since come up with varied finding most of which are supported by valid reasons. However much this matter still remains unresolved, quiet a number of people have believed on various findings and have since settled permanently on them. This course will help in identifying the best treatment amongst the two by giving relevant support points and evidences affiliated to researches conducted by different organizations and individuals. According my opinion that is justified by a number of researches which will be highlighted in this course, family therapy is far much better as compared to individual therapy because of very many viable reasons. This conclusion comes after numerous researches and comparisons that have managed to prove, beyond any reasonable doubts, that family therapy is a better procedure as compared to the latter. As already highlighted in the introduction, family therapy is far much better than individual psychotherapy. Family therapy involves the parents of the ailing teenage by making sure that the patient takes the correct type and amount of food. Parents are also advised by doctors to ensure that their ailing children do just enough body exercise. The disease of anorexia nervosa makes its patients believe that they are fat and hence the urge to cut weight
Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Discussion - Essay Example Ethics on the other hand forms the framework that acts as moral guidelines. Ethics is much more subjective and although it also establishes sets of normative codes of conduct, these codes are heterogeneous due to their subjective origins. If however, we assume Ethics to set the standards of social conduct and moral judgment then ideally, laws should enforce these (Blackburn, 2003). The importance of Ethics in spite of many laws arises precisely from the fact that finer ethical considerations and morality are often beyond the defined conducts that the limited scope of Laws are able to enforce. The necessity of ethical consideration irrespective of the legal framework of any nation can be best understood by considering historical instances where Laws were in conflict or at least not in support of what is now understood to be ethical. Until the 13th amendment of 1865 revised the Law, slavery was entirely a legal practice in the U.S.A. Prior to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; child labor was a legal practice as well. African American people had very little civil rights and when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger on Dec. 1, 1955 she violated the law (Townsend, 1998). It is in the present day almost surprising to note that women were accorded voting rights only in 1920. Such instances of something considered legal in the past later being rectified, reflect that Laws may not always be aligned with what is ethically right and the adjustment can be a time consuming process. Instances of legal binds being constraining from the perspective of ethical actions and decision making is certainly not a matter of only the past. In present days also, issues like Abortion and Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide leads to a debate due to the inherent conflict between the associated laws and ethical
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Total Rewards System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Total Rewards System - Essay Example It is the duty of the management to find some ways in which their employees are rewarded to show that they are cared for by their employers. "Motivating the individuals that work for you is one of the most important functions that you will have as a manager" (People Skills, 2006). Practically dealing with an employee and making him/her do thinks for which they are hired is one of the biggest challenge a manager of any organization faces. But there may be individuals who would work very hard for the rewards the company provides them. At the same time there are some employee who are very hard to be pleased no matter what rewards are given to them. Total Rewards is all of the tools available to the employer that may be used to attract, motivate and retain employees. Total rewards include everything the employee perceives to be of value resulting from the employment relationship (Corey Rosen et al, 2006). Through out the history of any organization the employers have always been challenged to attract, motivate and retain their employees. Right from the days of the barter systems to the present complex production formulae the organizational principle has been the same. The principle of employees providing the enterprise with productivity and results and in turn they will be provided with something of value. According to Bob Nelson raise is not the only thing which motivates an employee neither does promotion. Some intangible, unexpected gestures which shows real appreciation for a well done job sparks a person to perform his best. Companies and organizations make use of rewards and recognitions to increase their productivity and at Total Rewards 4 the same time retain their valued employees making them happier. For instance the different types of rewards or recognition can be similar to: Airplane mechanics who are rewarded with balloons and pinwheels or it can be; A manager calls his employees' mothers and thanks them for raising such industrious children or even; ideas from the offbeat (The Margarita Award) to the company-wide (a quiet room) to the embarrassingly simple (a hand-written thank you note) to the wacky (the Laugh-a-Day challenge) to the formal (a two-week promotion to special assistant to the president). Bob, Nelson 2005 In this paper, the concept of total rewards is being discussed and a comparison with the more traditional approaches to compensation and benefits has also been discoursed. Total Rewards 5 Discussion Organizations today are laying a high degree of emphasis on getting high quality credible market insights to make informed HR decisions and to manage people which are their key value differentiators (The NASSCOM-Hewitt Total Rewards Study, 2007). Historical picture: ( During the 1970s and 1980s, organizations discerned that tactically planned compensation and benefits programs gave them the edge in a quickly changing environment. It looked as if the different organizations were responding to: The development which was taking place from the global economic perspective and also
Friday, July 26, 2019
Website Project Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
Website Project Report - Coursework Example On the other hand, this technology, similar to any other software or tool, is simply a technology that depends upon companies how they get advantages by implementing this technology. The e-business facilitates companies to catch the attention of new customers, offer enhanced services to presented ones, correspond to the customers using more useful and specialized ways, gather information about customer’s choices as well as retrieve it swiftly, and perform transactions more efficiently. Additionally, many firms have attempted to make use of the e-business as a remarkable way much more than it actually is. In this scenario, companies as well as individuals create their whole business online, considering that by some means this would differentiate them from other businesses or firms. On the other hand, most of these types of companies fail. This project report is about the presentation, planning, and coordination of a new business idea. This report will present a detailed and com prehensive analysis of a new business idea launched by the AMAL. This new business will be an online Jewellery shop that will offer its customers a high-tech approach to shop and search desired Jewellery products online. Lots of businesses having an online presence are devoted to redevelop and enhance their sales to increase their profit margins. Additionally, the effective media coverage helps companies build up a reputation in the society as well as get more customers. In addition, the firms that cater the requirements of journalists are more probable to obtain regular coverage as well as diminish the potential for errors in published stories. Moreover, online press rooms provide hubs to the journalists, which present the background information, latest news and visual elements to help them recognize products and services. Thus, to enhance an online business, companies are trying to develop and use the online
Thursday, July 25, 2019
INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY-Unit 4, Question # 1 - Essay Example These movements were intentionally as tools for demanding and attaining political autonomy from the colonial governments. In some countries like south Africa, colonialism led to social and political segregation were the whites and the blacks were entitled to different political and social rights. However, this ended as a result of the powerful effect of political resistance and liberation movements like African National Congress (CANC) (Scupin and DeCorse, 2007). Political division of the Africa is another major effect of colonization on Africa. European nation divided different areas of Africa into colonies to serve their needs for raw materials and needs of overseas markets. These colonies reflect the present day African countries. A positive aspect of colonialism was the rise of powerful African leaders who could lead the continent towards a brighter economic and political future. Examples of these are President Nelson Mandela of South Africa. Colonialism also opened a door for the poor to participate in politics through revolutions were majority of the members were peasants. Many aspects of contemporary Africa portray the residual effects of colonialism. An example of this is the boundary disputes and separation of people from similar ethnic background. This came because the political division of Africa into colonies was done arbitrarily without knowledge of its socio-cultural characteristics. These boundaries are now political hotspots. The citizens of different African countries are basically created groups who were left behind fighting for the resources across created boundaries. Factions among communities can also be traced to colonial experience. One of the techniques that colonialists used to dominate a country, and thus prevent uprising, was to split its community into factions then pit them against each other. The creation of the Hutu and the Tutsis in Rwanda is a good example. After a few generations, these divisions intensified and
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Team Leadership & Self Managed Teams Term Paper
Team Leadership & Self Managed Teams - Term Paper Example These groups are also responsible for performing other supportive roles that include performance appraisal, quality assurance and production scheduling among others (Cork 1-100). THESIS STATEMENT The paper intends to discuss about the aspects of team leadership and self-managed teams along with highlighting the background of the key issues surrounding these aspects. Moreover, the procedure of handling these aspects by certain specific companies would also be discussed in the paper. HISTORY/BACKGROUND The history of team leadership dates back to the period of 1980s when certain skills representing leadership aspects came into public display and have been addressed for the first time. In relation to the aspects associated with the notion of team leadership, it can be apparently observed that this particular idea demonstrated the influence made by individual hereditary facets on leadership. It is worth mentioning that the changing business environment has eventually raised the significa nce of performing effective teal leadership qualities along with skills and building self-managed teams. All these significant aspects ultimately highlight the importance of the aforesaid aspects by a certain degree (McCarthy, â€Å"Global Leadership: An Analysis of three Leadership Competency Models in Multinational Corporations†). In order to highlight the history or the background of the key issues surrounding the above discussed aspects, it can be affirmed that the word ‘team’ can be well related with the Anglo-Saxon word i.e. ‘family’, which is basically referred to as harnessed animals that are responsible for pulling a load towards the accomplishment of certain common objectives. With the passage of time, the notion of teamwork has been able to gain all round importance within organizations to a very large extent. This notion primarily considers specific measures that are needed to be adopted along with executed effectively, so that a team is fully empowered and equipped enough to perform various significant functions (Cork 1-100; McCarthy, â€Å"Global Leadership: An Analysis of three Leadership Competency Models in Multinational Corporations†). EXAMPLES OF SPECIFIC COMPANIES Development of both of these aspects i.e. self-managed teams along with team leadership can be duly considered as an issue, which is on the rise. This factor can be provided with the maximum amount of weightage owing to the fact that development of such team and skills are highly demanded in the present day context. This issue can be well addressed in the future by way of analyzing and highlighting its importance in the overall management context. It is quite evident that both of these aspects i.e. self-managed teams along with team leadership is of primary importance in the modern day management context, as these represents high end sense of performing various job responsibilities. In relation to this context, issues pertaining to both of t hese management aspects are needed to be delivered high amount of weightage owing to the fact that it will help organizations to build greater leadership skills that are required for the purpose of creating organizational efficiency. Moreover, team leadership can help individuals to be highly competent in meeting the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Zha Reflection week 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Zha Reflection week 7 - Assignment Example e and the interest, the title, ‘a hidden genetic code,’ reminds me of the potential that gene arrangements have in understanding and managing disorders. This has motivated an interest and I am able to understand the concept that studying genetic arrangements can help in understanding relationships between diseases and genetic arrangements for better management strategies such as inducing genetic patterns that are more tolerant to disease strains or that can constrain effects of diseases on protein balance in the body. Perceiving possible solution to genetic complication motivated me to understand every aspect of the text (Reuell 1). My experience with academic knowledge on genetics has also shaped my understanding from the article on Exon skipping. Images of genetic strands composes a greater percentage of the article and even though I had never encountered the dystrophin gene strand, my background knowledge of DNA patterns has ensured my understanding of the strands, causes of Becker muscular dystrophy, and genetic approach to minimizing effects of the disorder (The New York Times 1). My experience and interest in genetics has also helped me to understand Daniel’s motivation to develop his DNA art. In addition, I have understood possible relationship between people’s preferences for DNA patterns and the people’s personality traits and preferences. These can be investigated and be applied in human behavior management (The Telegraph 1). The Telegraph. â€Å"DNA artwork created by German university student.†The Telegraph. September 7, 2008. Web. March 10, 2015.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Quality Metal Service Essay Example for Free
Quality Metal Service Essay An overview of cost, profit, revenue, and investment centers Cost classification in accounting also involves the allocation of costs, revenues and responsibilities to various centres or departments. These centres include: == Cost centres == Revenue centres == Profit centres == Investment centres Cost Centres A cost centre (CC) is a unit, location or department where cost data is collected. The purpose of the cost centre is to collect, analyze and ascertain costs in its immediate context. Cost centres usually have cost unitsâ€â€units or equipment for which costs are determinable or attributable. Overheads and direct costs constitute the cost structure of a CC. Since many activities in an organisation involve costs, a cost centre is a fundamental aspect, especially as profit and investment centres can be cost centres. According to the ACCA Study Text (Management accounting, c 1999), cost centres can manifest themselves as a project, a machine, department or overhead costs. One should note that a specific cost centre might not necessarily have other functions. CCs are not limited to production and manufacturing, since they can also be attributed to service centres, like commercial bank branches for example. Revenue Centres These centres deal exclusively with revenue. Even though costs may arise from these areas, the revenue centre is not accountable for costs. Its purpose is primarily to maximise sales and revenue. Profit centre The profit centre addresses both costs and revenue. Therefore, the manager responsible for a profit centre is accountable for the purchases and sales for that unit, department or branch. Since both revenue and costs fall under the purview of the profit centre, it is both a cost and revenue centre, although a revenue centre is not a profit centre and a cost centre might not necessarily be a profit centre. Investment centres Investment centres are profit centres that are accountable for cost, revenues and net assets for capital investment. This unit is assessed by return on investment and is a cost centre. Managers in an investment centre are responsible for purchasing capital or non-current assets and making investment decisions with capital. Investment centres Investment centres are profit centres that are accountable for cost, revenues and net assets for capital investment. This unit is assessed by return on investment and is a cost centre. Managers in an investment centre are responsible for purchasing capital or non-current assets and making investment decisions with capital. Responsibility centres are the umbrella term for cost, profit, revenue and investment centres, since their performance is under the direct control of a manager. The cost centre concept is present in profit and investment centres. The profit centre can be stand alone or, with additional responsibilities, an investment centre. Revenue centres operate in a similar manner to cost and profit centres, but their managers are primarily responsible for maximizing revenues and sales. An accountant needs to know the different types of centres to understand the information needs and requirements of the managers of the various units. Responsibility Centres A responsibility centre is an organizational subsystem charged with a well-defined mission and headed by a manager accountable for the performance of the centre. Responsibility centres constitute the primary building blocks for management control. It is also the fundamental unit of analysis of a budget control system. Aresponsibility centre is an organization unit headed by a responsible manager. There are four major types of responsibility centres: cost centres,revenues centres, profit centres and investment centres. Cost Centre A cost centre is a responsibility centre in which manager is held responsible for controlling cost inputs. There are two general types of cost centres: engineered expense centres and discretionary expense centres. Engineered costs are usually expressed as standard costs. A discretionary expense centre is a responsibility centre whose budgetary performance is based on achieving its goals by operating within predetermined expense constraints set through managerial judgement or discretion. Revenue Centre A revenue centre is a responsibility centre whose budgetary performance is measured primarily by its ability to generate a specified level of revenue. Profit Centre In a profit centre, the budget measures the difference between revenues and costs. Investment Centre An investment centre is a responsibility centre whose budgetary performance is based on return on investment. The uses of responsibility centres depend to a great extent on the type of organization structure involved. Engineered cost centres, discretionary expense centre, and revenue centres are more often used with functional organization designs and with the function units in a matrix design. In contrast, with a divisional organization designs, it is possible use profit centres because the large divisions in such a structure usually have control over both the expenses and the revenues associated with profits.
Stereotypes and Prejudice Essay Example for Free
Stereotypes and Prejudice Essay †¢What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? Most stereotypes are negative and may cause much harm but there are positive stereotypes, which also have a negative impact because they influence prejudice. One positive thing that can be gained from stereotypes is self-motivation. â€Å"Still other researchers have conceptualized the benefits of stereotype use in more motivational terms, such as self-enhancement. †(Lambart, 1997, abstract, Para. 2) Negative comments can sometimes be used to reinforce our self-esteem and prove everyone wrong. From experience, I can say the statement is true, I am the oldest of three girls, and my father always had high aspirations for us, yet low expectations. Never truly believing in our capacity to complete higher education and maintain a decent job, he always said, â€Å"Hispanics are lazy and like the easy way out, we prefer money rather than obtaining a degree. †Rather than bringing me down, I set a goal to prove his beliefs are wrong, and I will be one Hispanic who succeeds. †¢What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? Stereotypes cause physical, mental, and emotional problems to most whom are offended. Emotional problems such as depression, low self-esteem, and losing the desire to succeed in life are a few of the negative aspects of stereotyping. Some suffer physical problems, which include self-mutilation caused by mental and emotional harm, and eating disorders. Some are extremely under weight to avoid stereotypes. The extent of the harm depends on how strong the person is, and their ability to surpass negative comments. †¢What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? Unlike categorization, prejudice is not human nature therefore we can control it. Prejudice is pre judgments that we make based on myths and hypothesis not facts. To prevent prejudice form occurring, we need to keep in mind we are all human beings, and have the right to be treated equal. Like the law states â€Å"Innocent until proven guilty,†We should first learn about the person, and find the reason toward their actions before we judge. We must keep in mind we all have the right to make mistakes and no one is free from them, but most important, we need to keep in mind that prejudiced comments hurt people in numerous ways, and we do not want to be part of their pain. I read a book â€Å"Thirteen Reasons Why†by Jay Asher, in which a teenage girl kills herself because of the prejudiced comments thirteen different people made about her. It took only 13 reasons for her to kill herself, because one comment itself didn’t hurt, but all 13 had a snowball effect and kept rolling, getting bigger every time, Once the snowball got to a certain size, she wasn’t able to take all the negative comments and decided to kill herself.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Rise of YouTube Celebrities as a Media Product
Rise of YouTube Celebrities as a Media Product YouTube is a worldwide video sharing website established on the 14th of February in 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karmin. Chad Meredith Hurley (born January 24, 1977) an American co-founder and former CEO of the popular video-sharing website YouTube and MixBit shared YouTubes aims to the media: We wanted to create a place where anyone with a video camera, a computer and an internet connection can share their life, art and voice with the world. When Chad Hurley joined hands with his ex-Paypal colleague Steve Chen to create the video sharing site called YouTube, little must he have thought he was in the process of revolutionizing the way people viewed online content. YouTube went on to become the second largest search engine in the world after Google. And a history was made when it was acquired by Google for a mind-boggling $1.65 billion in October 2006! Today Chad Hurley is a billionaire, thanks to the stock options that he received from Google during the acquisition of h is personal achievement YouTube. But behind this wealth there lies something extremely priceless a will to succeed and a will to create something unique and different. In recent years, YouTube has opened new doors for talent discovery. Never before has it been so easy for talented singers, dancers, actors and artists to achieve instant fame. Today, a person can upload a video of himself singing to YouTube and, if it gets seen by the right person, he could receive millions of views, get a record deal and begin a whole new life overnight. Bethany Mota In June 2009, at the age of 13, Bethany Mota started her YouTube channel, /MacBarbie07, as a way to share her creative fashion and beauty tips. Five years later, a large audience of more than 5 million subscribers (collectively averaging 20 million monthly views) who cant seem to get enough of her tutorials, haul videos and style advice. How did Bethany go from making videos in her bedroom to launching her own clothing line and appearing on national TV? We can take three important lessons from Bethanys success. During her first few months of uploading, Bethany adopted many of the Beauty Fashion formats that were becoming popular on YouTube at the time. She uploaded haul videos (showing off her recent shopping purchases), makeup tutorials and vlogs with youthful fashion tips. Her videos did well, but her first video to surpass 1,000 views was a makeup tutorial based on popstar Selena Gomez. Bethany realized that tying her video to a trending topic-one that resonates with her target a udience-increased her exposure. That videos modest success enabled the videos that followed to reach thousands of viewers too. Bethanys videos resonate with her audience because her personality, style and themes are perfectly suited to teen interests-and they mirror her own interests. Videos such as You Are Not Alone(2010) and Confidence (2011) directly address issues central to the teen experience: bullying and self-confidence. Bethany has literally grown up on YouTube, and shes transformed herself into a renowned influencer and a successful brand. Her channel began as /MacBarbie07, featuring a consistent schedule of haul videos and tutorials. But as she and her channel matured, focusing on back to- school programming and other compelling videos, Bethany shifted gears: She has now branded the channel with her true name ( This change reflects her genuine personality and the strong connection shes built with her fans. Bethanys eye for fashion, smart programmi ng ideas and strong relationship with her audience have ultimately enabled her to become one of the most popular and influential beauty and fashion creators on YouTube. Her fashion videos are so popular, that she became a millionaire by the time she was 18 years old. Her current net worth is approximately $2.2 million as of 2015. Business Insider estimated in 2014 that her annual income is $480,000. That means that Bethany Mota earns $40,000 per month. The social impact of YouTube is phenomenal. Ten billion views a month is a number that speaks for itself: Online video is an explosive new medium, and YouTube has proven to be dominant in this arena. And while for some the site provides mere entertainment, for others, YouTube is proving to be a valuable research tool, as well as a medium for expression or documentation of aberrant behavior. Jaime Curry Hawkes Bay teen Jamie Curry began posting videos from her bedroom in 2012, aged 16. Her Jamies World brand exploded into a wildly popular Facebook page and more importantly, YouTube channel. The 18-year-old online screen queen from Hawkes Bay now has more than ten million followers on Facebook and more than a million subscribers on YouTube. New Zealand teenager Jamie Curry of Jamies World has been nominated for Favourite Internet Sensation by the Kids Choice Awards. The awards show is run by American network Nickelodeon and hosts superstars like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez and Cody Simpson. Curry was excited because she had never been nominated for anything so big out of New Zealand before. Obviously I watched Nickelodeon as a kid, so its weird, she said. Graduating from high school last year, Curry now works full time on her videos. In fact, she didnt know what she would be doing without her online career. I was kind of like one of those real lost kids, she said. I didnt have an int erest in drama or in acting, I was like Oh yeah thats impossible So Im lucky that this stumbled across my lap because otherwise I would be very lost. New Zealands most famed social media export has currently just come out with a book! Her book, titled Jamies World: They let me write a book! promises to take her fans behind the scenes of her online existence. Its latest in a long line of behind the scenes books published by YouTube stars. Jamie Curry Net Worth: $92,000YouTube Has Revolutionized Education YouTube is chock full of how to videos, tutorials and lectures. If you have a question or want to know how something is done all you have to do is search for it in YouTube and odds are there is an educational video waiting to teach you everything you need to know. In fact, some people are even beginning to use YouTube as a tool for offering a free education to people around the world. For instance, hedge fund analyst Salman Khan quit his job to start offering a free education on the web, via YouTube. Through the Khan Academy, Khan offers over 1,400 tutorials, teaching about everything from math and finance, to physics, chemistry and biology. With videos like Khans on YouTube, all that a person needs is an internet connection and they have access to a fantastic education, even in third world countries. If you ask me, Id say this is pretty incredible and revolutionary. Tyler Oakley Tyler Oakley is a worldwide YouTube sensation with a quirky sense of humour that put him at the forefront of gay politics and culture. He won a Teen Choice Award for Most Popular Male Web Star in 2014. He has earned over 8 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He is a close friend and frequent collaborator with Troye Sivan. Tyler Oakley figured out social medias power to launch a brand in this case, his own long before most corporations even created Twitter accounts. Oakley uploaded his first public YouTube video in 2007, and then only three years later was offered a national marketing campaign with YouTube. Hes obsessed with pop culture at one point a self-proclaimed professional fangirl for One Direction and charmingly honest, especially about his life as a young gay person. The 26-year-old, who describes himself as a twink from the Internet, currently counts 7.5 million YouTube subscribers and 4.6 million Twitter followers. There are some people who dont want to acknowle dge the power of the Internet, but in 2015 social media is a powerful machine. Oakelys Internet presence a majority of his followers are teens even caught the attention of the White House, who reached out to him to interview first lady Michelle Obama. When Oakley posted the trailer for his upcoming documentary Snervous, it soon (#SnervousTrailer) trended on Facebook. Hell soon be in homes across America as hes slated to appear on the upcoming season of CBSs Amazing Race. Oakleys rise to Internet prominence, though, didnt happen overnight, and his recently released collection of humour essays Binge discusses his Internet journey. It seems like a wave of YouTubers have been dropping books lately, but Oakleys stands out, because his topics range from the silly 20 Things Id Do If I Were Beyoncà © for the Day to the very serious such as his struggle with an eating disorder. To some, 26 might seem young to write a memoir or personal essay collection, but Oakley uses his unique perspect ive on YouTube to write a touching and timely book. In Binge, already a New York Times bestseller, readers find Oakley at his realest. Oakleys net worth is estimated to be $2 million as of 2015. YouTube offers a platform for spreading truth and inciting change. YouTube has given people around the globe a platform through which they can post videos to show the world, first-hand, what is going on in their countries; to show the world the reality of situations that may not be being broadcast on the news or may be hidden by the government; and to let people know about different issues that they may not have heard about and getting viewers to take action. Non-profit organizations, fundraising teams and more have used YouTube to spread the word about everything from the death penalty to saving the rainforests with web video activism on YouTube. Millions of dollars have been raised and petitions have been signed as the result of YouTube campaigns. But what is really amazing is the way YouTube has revealed the truth about various political situations and evens around the globe. One of the most amazing examples of YouTube as a platform for spreading the truth is the story of Neda Agh a-Soltan, who was killed in protests over the Iranian election of 2009. The world had no idea what was going on in Iran until a video of Neda being killed was uploaded to YouTube. It spread like wildfire and soon the entire world jumped into action, doing what they could to stop the troubles in Iran and show their support. For me, one of the most amazing things about YouTube is its ability to make the world smaller. And, no, I dont mean that YouTube has literally shrunken down the globe. What I mean is that YouTube has given us the power to travel the world with a single click. Sure, before YouTube existed we could learn about distant countries and cultures by reading books and articles online, watching documentaries and looking at published pictures. But YouTube allows us to take things a step further and learn about places and cultures around the world from the actual people who live there. YouTube has given people around the globe a platform through which they can post videos to show the world, first-hand, what is going on in their countries; to show the world the reality of situations that may not be being broadcast on the news or may be hidden by the government; and to let people know about different issues that they may not have heard about and getting viewers to take action. YouTube may have sta rted off as an online media page to share videos about yourself and your interests, but today it has transformed into a career path for so many people and a way to see the world through others eyes. Bibliography:
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Disneylands Fiftieth Anniversary :: essays research papers
Over the past fifty years, the Walt Disney Company has proven itself over and over again to the world. The Walt Disney Company as a whole consists of over twenty smaller companies: ABC, Miramax Films, and ESPN to name a few. Within the past half century the Disney Company has built eleven theme parks, three water parks, and countless resorts and hotels as well as a cruise line which cover the globe. Expanding from Anaheim, California to Hong Kong and Tokyo, the Disney theme park line expounds the globe. But let Walt Disney’s original â€Å"Magic Kingdom†not be forgotten as the globe celebrates the â€Å"Happiest Homecoming on Earth. Fifty years ago, Disneyland, the â€Å"happiest place on earth†opened to the public. But this dream was no snap of the fingers, no, it took years of hard work and money. Walt Disney, a man from the small town of Marceline, Missouri, had a dream. He wanted a place where both the typical American family could spend a day together in a clean environment and also that they may have some form of entertainment while they were together. Walt was already an accomplished filmmaker and had the funds he needed, of course not all of the funds. His proposed idea was no more than a small park right across the road from the Disney Studios in Burbank that consisted of no more than a train ride and a carousel. This was far from what Disneyland initially became but nonetheless, it was a start, and a start is all that Disney needed. Work began. Walt Disney’s dream had begun. One-hundred sixty acres of citrus trees had been cleared and several houses torn down in what would soon be the site of Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Work was long and difficult in the hot California sun making construction take a lot longer than expected. Unlike Walt’s other project in Florida, which would not come until much later, the Disneyland project was by no means a secret. The ABC television company made a deal with Disney to allow Disney to produce a weekly show that was â€Å"coincidentally†titled Disneyland and â€Å"coincidentally†had Walt as the host. Walt saw television as an open market to promote movies or in this case, Disneyland. Disneyland the show was fairly cheap to make and produce as Disney already had the film equipment necessary for filming.
events in history :: essays research papers
The year 1968 can be recognized by the mass-youth appeal in late twentieth-century political and intellectual culture. It's most frequently remembered for the assassination of Martin Luther King, the May uprisings by students and workers in France, the assassination of Robert Kennedy, the riots in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention, the massacre of government protesters in Mexico City during the weeks leading up to the Olympics, and the election of Richard Nixon--to name just a few of the more infamous events. It was a year marked by the beginning of America's decline as the single dominant economic power to emerge at the end of World War II. Many social changes that were addressed in the 1960s are still the issues being confronted today. The ‘60s was a decade of social and political upheaval. In spite of all the turmoil, there were some positive results: the civil rights revolution, John F. Kennedy’s bold vision of a new frontier, and the breathtaking ad vances in space helped bring about progress and prosperity. However, much was negative: student and anti-war protest movements, political assassinations, and ghetto riots excited American people and resulted in lack of respect for authority and the law. Edward Sanders' book-long poem entitled 1968: A History in Verse depicts all areas of the year 1968 from January 1st through the end of December. Sanders avoids depicting the year 1968 as either the last great hope for historical redemption in America or as the beginning of a reactionary turn in the culture. The book recaps the year in which he played an important socio-cultural activist, role model, musician, and poet. The poem continues to cite specific details centered mostly on where his rock band, the fugs, traveled to and whom and what he encountered along the way. â€Å"To me this was the last mote of proof in 1968 that the Nation was lost†(189). After witnessing the riots in Chicago, the "Nation" Sander’s referred to is an imaginary society in which community responsibility is shared equally between both government and citizens, and economic resources are distributed more rightfully among its members, when it is actually an existing set of political formations run by the government. The book continues to address 1968 as a rebellious era of the youth of America. The Yippies, or members of the anti-political association The Youth International Party, were active across America voicing their opinion and opposing the war.
Friday, July 19, 2019
All Men Created Equal Essays -- essays research papers
All Men Created Equal America has undergone incredible hardships as a nation. No issue has had more impact on the development of the American definition of freedom than the issue of slavery. Did the Constitution specify which men were created equal? Surprisingly enough the phrase "all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights" did not mean what it does today. The nation was divided on the issue of slavery and the rights of the black man in its early stages as a growing republic. Abraham Lincoln was a brave pioneer who dared to rub his hand against the grain of slavery bringing the original ideals of America's founders to a new light. He was a man who felt he was witnessing a slow decay in the foundation of the American principles. His views were not met with unanimous applause from the American people. He battled against an equally strong constituency – the slave owner's and their presidential candidate, Judge Douglas. Abraham's grounds for the abolition of slavery were based on the words that were scripted in the Declaration of Independence and the meaning of those words as they related to American citizens and the celebration of the 4th of July. Many American's argued that the Negroes were not entitled to the same rights because they were not legally citizens of the United States of America. This issue was dealt with in the ruling of the Dredd Scott case. Lincoln points out that the ruling of the case was based on historical fact that was wrongly assumed. Judge Taney, who presided over the case stated that "Negroes were no part of the people who made, or for whom was made, the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution of the United States." This statement was later refuted by Judge Curtis who shows that "in five of the then thirteen states†¦free negroes were voters, and, in proportion to their numbers, had the same part in making the Constitution that the white people had." The fact that Negroes were citizens who participated in the framing of the Constitution gave them the same freedoms as the white men who helped shape the American ideals classifying the Negro as a "citizen." The strongest persuasion that Abraham could have possibly given the American people were the words that the Declaration of Independence so powerfully spoke. Lincoln fully understood the phrase "all men were created ... ...ere among free states. The mixing of the blood was occurring because the Negroes and whites were in forced contact. The elimination of an almost universal fear was yet another argument for the separation of the races. Although he was not a ‘modern day' civil right's activist, Lincoln's logic eventually led to the abolition of slavery, tragically driving the nation into a state of civil war. However, the American ideals which he embraced have made their way into our modern societies standards leading to civil right's programs which are constantly being reformed. Immigrants, of all nationalities and colors now look to America as a symbol of great ideals. Abraham said more prophetically than he could imagine that the American ideals of freedom should be "constantly spreading and deepening its influence, and augmenting the happiness and value of life to all peoples of all colors everywhere." As a result of his push for the preservation of the American ideal of freedom, slavery no longer exists and is even considered unconstitutional on the grounds that it is in direct contradiction with the conception that "all men are created equal."
Thursday, July 18, 2019
English translation, Part 1/prologue of Lazarillo de Tormes Essay
I think it is good that such remarkable things as these, which may never have been heard of or seen before, should come to the attention of many people instead of being buried away in the tomb of oblivion. Because it might turn out that someone who reads about them will like what he reads, and even people who only glance lightly through this book may be entertained. Pliny says along these lines that there is no book–no matter how bad it is–that doesn’t have something good in it. And this is all the more true since all tastes are not the same: what one man won’t even touch, another will be dying to get. And so there are things that some people don’t care for, while others do. The point is that nothing should be destroyed or thrown away unless it is really detestable; instead, it should be shown to everybody, especially if it won’t do any harm and they might get some good out of it. If this weren’t so, there would be very few people who would write for only one reader, because writing is hardly a simple thing to do. But since writers go ahead with it, they want to be rewarded, not with money but with people seeing and reading their works, and if there is something worthwhile in them, they would like some praise. Along these lines too, Cicero says: â€Å"Honor promotes the arts.†Does anyone think that the first soldier to stand up and charge the enemy hates life? Of course not; a craving for glory is what makes him expose himself to danger. And the same is true in arts and letters. The young preacher gives a very good sermon and is really interested in the improvement of people’s souls, but ask his grace if he minds when they tell him, â€Å"Oh, what an excellent sermon you gave today, Reverend!†And So-and-so was terrible in jousting today, but when some rascal praised him for the way he had handled his weapons, he gave him his armor. What would he have done if it had really been true? And so everything goes: I confess that I’m no more saintly than my neighbors, but I would not mind it at all if those people who find some pleasure in this little trifle of mine (written in my crude style) would get wrapped up in it and be entertained by it, and if they could see that a man who has had so much bad luck and so many misfortunes and troubles does exist. Please take this poor effort from a person who would have liked to make it richer if only his ability had been as great as his desire. And since you told me that you wanted me to write down all the details of the matter, I have decided not to start out in the middle but at the beginning. That way you will have a complete picture of me, and at the same time those people who received a large inheritance will see how little they had to do with it, since fortune favored them, and they will also see how much more those people accomplished whose luck was going against them, since they rowed hard and well and brought their ship safely into port. I. Lazaro Tells about His Life and His Parents You should know first of all that I’m called Lazaro of Tormes, and that I’m the son of Tome Gonzales and Antona Perez, who were born in Tejares, a village near Salamanca. I was actually born in the Tormes River, and that’s how I got my name. It happened this way: My father (God rest his soul) was in charge of a mill on the bank of that river, and he was the miller there for more than fifteen years. Well, one night while my mother was in the mill, carrying me around in her belly, she went into labor and gave birth to me right there. So I can really say I was born in the river. Then when I was eight years old, they accused my father of gutting the sacks that people were bringing to the mill. They took him to jail, and without a word of protest he went ahead and confessed everything, and he suffered persecution for righteousness’ sake. But I trust God that he’s in heaven because the Bible calls that kind of man blessed. At that time they were getting together an expedition to go fight the Moors, and my father went with them. They had exiled him because of the bad luck that I’ve already told about, so he went along as a muleteer for one of the men, and like a loyal servant, he ended his life with his master. My widowed mother, finding herself without a husband or anyone to take care of her, decided to lie at the side–I mean, stay on the side–of good men and be like them. So she came to the city to live. She rented a little house and began to cook for some students. She washed clothes for some stableboys who served the Commander of La Magdalena, too, so a lot of the time she was around the stables. She and a dark man–one of those men who took care of the animals– got to know each other. Sometimes he would come to our house and wouldn’t leave till the next morning; and other times he would come to our door in the daytime pretending that he wanted to buy eggs, and then he would come inside. When he first began to come I didn’t like him, he scared me because of the color of his skin and the way he looked. But when I saw that with him around there the food got better, I began to like him quite a lot. He always brought bread and pieces of meat, and in the winter he brought in firewood so we could keep warm. So with his visits and the relationship going right along, it happened that my mother gave me a pretty little black baby, and I used to bounce it on my knee and help keep it warm. I remember one time when my black stepfather was playing with the little fellow, the child noticed that my mother and I were white but that my stepfather wasn’t and he got scared. He ran to my mother and pointed his finger at him and said, â€Å"Mama, it’s the bogeyman!†And my stepfather laughed: â€Å"You little son-of-a-bitch!†Even though I was still a young boy, I thought about the word my little brother had used, and I said to myself: How many people there must be in the world who run away from others when they don’t see themselves. As luck would have it, talk about Zaide (that was my stepfather’s name) reached the ears of the foreman, and when a search was made they found out that he’d been stealing about half of the barley that was supposed to be given to the animals. He’d pretended that the bran, wool, currycombs, aprons, and the horse covers and blankets had been lost; and when there was nothing else left to steal, he took the shoes right off the horses’ hooves. And he was using all this to buy things for my mother so that she could bring up my little brother. Why should we be surprised at priests when they steal from the poor or at friars when they take things from their monasteries to give to their lady followers, or for other things, when we see how love can make a poor slave do what he did? And they found him guilty of everything I’ve said and more because they asked me questions and threatened me too, and I answered them like a child. I was so frightened that I told them everything I knew–even about some horseshoes my mother had made me sell to a blacksmith. They beat and tarred my poor stepfather, and they gave my mother a stiff sentence besides the usual hundred lashes: they said that she couldn’t go into the house of the Commander (the one I mentioned) and that she couldn’t take poor Zaide into her own house. So that matters wouldn’t get any worse, the poor woman went ahead and carried out the sentence. And to avoid any danger and get away from wagging tongues, she went to work as a servant for the people who were living at the Solano Inn then. And there, while putting up with all kinds of indignities, she managed to raise my little brother until he knew how to walk. And she even raised me to be a good little boy who would take wine and candles to the guests and do whatever else they told me. About this time a blind man came by and stayed at the inn. He thought I would be a good guide for him, so he asked my mother if I could serve him, and she said I could. She told him what a good man my father had been and how he’d died in the battle of Gelves for the holy faith. She said she trusted God that I wouldn’t turn out any worse a man than my father, and she begged him to be good to me and look after me, since I would be an orphan now. He told her he would and said that I wouldn’t be a servant to him, but a son. And so I began to serve and guide my new old master. After he had been in Salamanca a few days, my master wasn’t happy with the amount of money he was taking in, and he decided to go somewhere else. So when we were ready to leave, I went to see my mother. And with both of us crying she gave me her blessing and said, â€Å"Son, I know that I’ll never see you again. Try to be good, and may God be your guide. I’ve raised you and given you to a good master; take good care of yourself.†And then I went back out to my master who was waiting for me. We left Salamanca and we came to a bridge; and at the edge of this bridge there’s a stone statue of an animal that looks something like a bull. The blind man told me to go up next to the animal, and when I was there he said, â€Å"Lazaro, put your ear up next to this bull and you’ll hear a great sound inside of it.†I put my ear next to it very simply, thinking he was telling the truth. And when he felt my head near the statue, he doubled up his fist and knocked my head into that devil of a bull so hard that I felt the pain from its horns for three days. And he said to me, â€Å"You fool, now learn that a blind man’s servant has to be one step ahead of the devil.†And he laughed out loud at his joke. It seemed to me that at that very instant I woke up from my childlike simplicity and I said to myself, â€Å"He’s right. I’ve got to open my eyes and be on my guard. I’m alone now, and I’ve got to think about taking care of myself.†We started on our way again, and in just a few days he taught me the slang thieves use. When he saw what a quick mind I had he was really happy, and he said, â€Å"I can’t give you any gold or silver, but I can give you plenty of hints on how to stay alive.†And that’s exactly what he did; after God, it was this fellow who gave me life and who, although he was blind, enlightened me and showed me how to live. I like to tell you these silly things to show what virtue there is in men being able to raise themselves up from the depths, and what a vice it is for them to let themselves slip down from high stations. Well, getting back to my dear blind man and telling about his ways, you should know that from the time God created the world there’s no one He made smarter or sharper than that man. At his job he was sly as a fox. He knew over a hundred prayers by heart. He would use a low tone, calm and very sonorous, that would make the church where he was praying echo. And whenever he prayed, he would put on a humble and pious expression–something he did very well. And he wouldn’t make faces or grimaces with his mouth or eyes the way others do. Besides this he had thousands of other ways of getting money. He told everyone that he knew prayers for lots of different things: for women who couldn’t have children or who were in labor; for those women who weren’t happy in their marriage–so that their husbands would love them more. He would give predictions to expectant mothers about whether they would have a boy or a girl. And as far as medicine was concerned, he said that Galen never knew the half of what he did about toothaches, fainting spells, and female illnesses. In fact, there was no one who would tell him they were sick that he couldn’t immediately say to them: â€Å"Do this, and then is; take this herb, or take that root.†And so everyone came to him–especially women–and they believed everything he told them. He got a lot out of them with these ways I’ve been telling about; in fact, he earned more in a month than a hundred ordinary blind men earn in a year. But I want you to know, too, that even with all he got and all that he had, I’ve never seen a more greedy, miserly man. He was starving me to death. He didn’t even give me enough to keep me alive! I’m telling the truth: If I hadn’t known how to help myself with my wily ways and some pretty clever tricks, I would have died of hunger lots of times. But with all his know-how and carefulness I outwitted him, so that I always–or usually–really got the better of him. The way I did this was I played some devilish tricks on him, and I’ll tell about some of them, even though I didn’t come out on top every time. He carried the bread and all the other things in a cloth bag, and he kept the neck of it closed with an iron ring that had a padlock and key. And when he put things in or took them out, he did it so carefully and counted everything so well that no one in the world could have gotten a crumb from him. So I’d take what little he gave me, and in less than two mouthfuls it would be gone. After he had closed the lock and forgotten about it, thinking that I was busy with other things, I would begin to bleed the miserly bag dry. There was a little seam on the side of the bag that I’d rip open and sew up again. And I would take out bread– not little crumbs, either, but big hunks–and I’d get bacon and sausage too. And so I was always looking for the right time to score, not on a ball field, but on the food in that blasted bag that the tyrant of a blind man kept away from me. And then, every time I had a chance I’d steal half copper coins. And when someone gave him a copper to say a prayer for them–and since he couldn’t see–they’d no sooner have offered it than I would pop it into my mouth and have a half-copper ready. And as soon as he stuck out his hand, there was my coin reduced to half price. Then the old blind man would start growling at me. As soon as he felt it and realized that it wasn’t a whole copper he’d say, â€Å"How the devil is it that now that you’re with me they never give me anything but half coppers, when they almost always used to give me a copper or a two-copper piece? I’d swear that this is all your fault.†He used to cut his prayers short, too; he wouldn’t even get halfway through them. He told me to pull on the end of his cloak whenever the person who asked for the prayer had gone. So that’s what I did. Then he’d begin to call out again with his cry, â€Å"Who would like to have me say a prayer for him?†in his usual way. And he always put a little jug of wine next to him when we ate. I would grab it quickly and give it a couple of quiet kisses before I put it back in its place. But that didn’t go on for very long: he could tell by the number of nips he took that some was missing. So to keep his wine safe he never let the jug out of reach; he’d always hold on to the handle. But not even a magnet could attract the way I could with a long rye straw that I had made for that very purpose. And I’d stick it in the mouth of the jug and suck until–good-bye, wine! But the old traitor was so wary that I think he must have sensed me, because from then on he stopped that and put the jug between his legs. And even then he kept his hand over the top to make sure. But I got so used to drinking wine that I was dying for it. And when I saw that my straw trick wouldn’t work, I decided to make a spout by carving a little hole in the bottom of the jug and then sealing it off neatly with a little thin strip of wax. When it was mealtime, I’d pretend I was cold and get in between the legs of the miserable blind man to warm up by the little fire we had. And the heat of it would melt the wax, since it was such a tiny piece. Then the wine would begin to trickle from the spout into my mouth, and I got into a position so that I wouldn’t miss a blasted drop. When the poor fellow went to drink he wouldn’t find a thing. He’d draw back, astonished, then he’d curse and damn the jar and the wine, not knowing what could have happened. â€Å"You can’t say that I drank it, Sir,†I said, â€Å"since you never let it out of your hand.†But he kept turning the jug around and feeling it, until he finally discovered the hole and saw through my trick. But he pretended that he hadn’t found out. Then one day I was tippling on my jug as usual, without realizing what was in store for me or even that the blind man had found me out. I was sitting the same as always, taking in those sweet sips, my face turned toward the sky and my eyes slightly closed so I could really savor the delicious liquor. The dirty blind man saw that now was the time to take out his revenge on me, and he raised that sweet and bitter jug with both his hands and smashed it down on my mouth with all his might. As I say, he used all his strength, and poor Lazaro hadn’t been expecting anything like this; in fact, I was drowsy and happy as always. So it seemed like the sky and everything in it had really fallen down on top of me. The little tap sent me reeling and knocked me unconscious, and that enormous jug was so huge that pieces of it stuck in my face, cutting me in several places and knocking out my teeth, so that I don’t have them to this very day. From that minute I began to hate that old blind man. Because, even though he took care of me and treated me all right and fixed me up, I saw that he had really enjoyed his dirty trick. He used wine to wash the places where the pieces of the jug had cut me, and he smiled and said, â€Å"How about that, Lazaro? The very thing that hurt you is helping to cure you.†And he made other witty remarks that I didn’t particularly care for. When I had about recovered from the beating and the black and blue marks were nearly gone, I realized that with a few more blows like that the blind man would have gotten rid of me. So I decided to be rid of him. But I didn’t run away right then; I waited until I could do it in a safer and better way. And although I wanted to be kind and forgive the blind man for hitting me with the jug, I couldn’t because of the harsh treatment he gave me from then on. Without any reason he would hit me on the head and yank on my hair. And if anyone asked him why he beat me so much, he would tell them about the incident with the jug: â€Å"Do you think this boy of mine is just some innocent little fellow? Well, listen and see if you think the devil himself would try anything like this.†After they’d heard about it, they would cross themselves and say, â€Å"Well–who would ever think that such a little boy would do anything like that!†Then they’d laugh at the prank and tell him, â€Å"Go on, beat him. God will give you your reward.†And this advice he followed to the letter. So, for revenge, I’d lead him down all the worst roads on purpose to see if he wouldn’t get hurt somehow. If there were rocks, I’d take him right over them; if there was mud, I’d lead him through the deepest part. Because even though I didn’t keep dry myself, I would have given an eye if I could have hurt two eyes of that man who didn’t even have one. Because of this, he was always beating me with the end of his cane so that my head was full of bumps, and with him always pulling on my hair a lot of it was gone. I told him I wasn’t doing it on purpose and that I just couldn’t find any better roads, but that didn’t do any good. The old traitor saw through everything and was so wary that he wouldn’t believe me any more. So that you can see how smart this shrewd blind man was, I’ll tell you about one of the many times when I was with him that he really seemed to show a lot of perception. When we left Salamanca, his plan was to go to Toledo because the people were supposed to be richer there, although not very free with their money. But he pinned his hopes on this saying: â€Å"You’ll get more water from a narrow flowing stream than you will from a deep dry well.†And we’d pass through the best places as we went along. Where we were welcomed and were able to get something, we stayed; where this didn’t happen, we’d move on after a few days. And it happened that as we were coming to a place called Almorox when they were gathering the grapes, a grape picker gave him a bunch as alms. And since the baskets are usually handled pretty roughly and the grapes were very ripe at the time, the bunch started to fall apart in his hand. If we had thrown it in the sack, it and everything it touched would have spoiled. He decided that we’d have a picnic so that it wouldn’t go to waste– and he did it to please me, too, since he’d kicked and beat me quite a bit that day. So we sat down on a low wall, and he said: â€Å"Now I want to be generous with you: we’ll share this bunch of grapes, and you can eat as many as I do. We’ll divide it like this: you take one, then I’ll take one. But you have to promise me that you won’t take more than one at a time. I’ll do the same until we finish, and that way there won’t be any cheating.†The agreement was made, and we began. But on his second turn, the traitor changed his mind and began to take two at a time, evidently thinking that I was doing the same. But when I saw that he had broken our agreement, I wasn’t satisfied with going at his rate of speed. Instead, I went even further: I took two at a time, or three at a time–in fact, I ate them as fast as I could. And when there weren’t any grapes left, he just sat there for a while with the stem in his hand, and then he shook his head and said, â€Å"Lazaro, you tricked me. I’ll swear to God that you ate these grapes three at a time.†â€Å"No, I didn’t,†I said. â€Å"But why do you think so?†That wise old blind man answered, â€Å"Do you know how I see that you ate them three at a time? Because I was eating them two at a time, and you didn’t say a word.†I laughed to myself, and even though I was only a boy, I was very much aware of the sharpness of that blind man. But, so that I won’t talk too much, I won’t tell about a lot of humorous and interesting things that happened to me with my first master. I just want to tell about how we separated, and be done with him. We were in Escalona, a town owned by the duke of that name, at an inn, and the blind man gave me a piece of sausage to roast for him. When the sausage had been basted and he had sopped up and eaten the drippings with a piece of bread, he took a coin out of his purse and told me to go get him some wine from the tavern. Then the devil put an idea in my head, just like they say he does to thieves. It so happened that near the fire there was a little turnip, kind of long and beat up; it had probably been thrown there because it wasn’t good enough for stew. At that moment he and I were there all alone, and when I whiffed the delicious odor of the sausage, I suddenly got a huge appetite– and I knew that all I would get of it would be the smell. But the thought of eating that sausage made me lose all my fear: I didn’t think for a minute what would happen to me. So while the blind man was getting the money out of his purse, I took the sausage off the spit and quickly put the turnip on. Then the blind man gave me the money for the wine and took hold of the spit, turning it over the fire, trying to cook the very thing that hadn’t been cooked before because it was so bad. I went for the wine, and on the way I downed the sausage. When I came back I found that sinner of a blind man holding the turnip between two slices of bread. He didn’t know what it was yet, because he hadn’t felt of it. But when he took the bread and bit into it, thinking he would get part of the sausage too, he was suddenly stopped cold by the taste of the cold turnip. He got mad then, and said, â€Å"What is this, Lazarillo?†â€Å"You mean, ‘Lacerated,'†I said. â€Å"Are you trying to pin something on me? Didn’t I just come back from getting the wine? Someone must have been here and played a joke on you.†â€Å"Oh, no,†he said. â€Å"I haven’t let the spit out of my hand. No one could have done that.†I kept swearing that I hadn’t done any switching around. But it didn’t do me any good–I couldn’t hide anything from the sharpness of that miserable blind man. He got up and grabbed me by the head and got close so he could smell me. And he must have smelled my breath like a good hound. Really being anxious to find out if he was right, he held on tight and opened my mouth wider than he should have. Then, not very wisely, he stuck in his nose. And it was long and sharp. And his anger had made it swell a bit, so that the point of it hit me in the throat. So with all this and my being really frightened, along with the fact that the black sausage hadn’t had time to settle in my stomach, and especially with the sudden poking in of his very large nose, half choking me–all these things went together and made the crime and the snack show themselves, and the owner got back what belonged to him. What happened was that before the blind man could take his beak out of my mouth, my stomach got so upset that it hit his nose with what I had stolen. So his nose and the black, half-chewed sausage both left my mouth at the same time. Oh, Almighty God! I was wishing I’d been buried at that very moment, because I was already dead. The perverse blind man was so mad that if people hadn’t come at the noise, I think he would have killed me. They pulled me out of his hands, and he was left with what few hairs had still been in my head. My face was all scratched up, and my neck and throat were clawed. But my throat really deserved its rough treatment because it was only on account of what it had done that I’d been beaten. Then that rotten blind man told everyone there about the things I’d done, and he told them over and over about the jug and the grapes and this last incident. They laughed so hard that all the people who were going by in the street came in to see the fun. But the blind man told them about my tricks with such wit and cleverness that, even though I was hurt and crying, I felt that it would have been wrong for me not to laugh too. And while this was going on I suddenly remembered that I’d been negligent and cowardly, and I began to swear at myself: I should have bitten off his nose. I’d had the opportunity to do it; in fact, half of the work had already been done for me. If only I’d clamped down with my teeth, I’d have had it trapped. Even though it belonged to that skunk, my stomach would probably have held it better than it held the sausage; and since there wouldn’t have been any evidence, I could have denied the crime. I wish to God I’d have done it. It wouldn’t have been a bad idea at all! The lady running the inn and the others there made us stop our fighting, and they washed my face and throat with the wine I’d brought for him to drink. Then the dirty blind man made up jokes about it, saying things like: â€Å"The truth of the matter is I use more wine washing this boy in one year than I drink in two.†And: â€Å"At least, Lazaro, you owe more to wine than you do to your father–he only gave you life once, but wine has brought you to life a thousand times.†Then he told about all the times he’d beaten me and scratched my face and then doctored me up with wine. â€Å"I tell you,†he said, â€Å"if there’s one man in the world who will be blessed by wine, it’s you.†And the people who were washing me laughed out loud, while I was swearing. But the blind man’s prophecy wasn’t wrong, and since then I’ve often thought about that man who must have had a gift for telling the future. And I feel sorry about the bad things I did to him, although I really paid him back, since what he told me that day happened just like he said it would, as you’ll see later on. Because of this and the dirty tricks the blind man played on me, I decided to leave him for good. And since I had thought about it and really had my mind set on it, this last trick of his only made me more determined. So the next day we went into town to beg. It had rained quite a bit the night before, and since it was still raining that day, he went around praying under the arcades in the town so we wouldn’t get wet. But with night coming on and there still being no let up, the blind man said to me, â€Å"Lazaro, this rain isn’t going to stop, and the later it gets the harder it’s coming down. Let’s go inside the inn before there’s a real downpour.†To get there we had to cross over a ditch that was full of water from the rain. And I said to him; â€Å"Sir, the water’s too wide to cross here, but if you’d like, I see an easier place to get across, and we won’t get wet either. It’s very narrow there, and if we jump we’ll keep our feet dry.†That seemed like a good idea to him, and he said, â€Å"You’re pretty clever. That’s why I like you so much. Take me to the place where the ditch is narrow. It’s winter now, and I don’t care for water any time, and especially not when I get my feet wet.†Seeing that the time was ripe, I led him under the arcades, to a spot right in front of a sort of pillar or stone post that was in the plaza–one of those that hold up the overhanging arches of the houses. And I said to him, â€Å"Sir, this is the narrowest place along the whole ditch.†It was really raining hard and the poor man was getting wet. This, along with the fact that we were in a hurry to get out of the water that was pouring down on us–and especially because God clouded his mind so I could get revenge–made him believe me, and he said, â€Å"Point me in the right direction, and you jump over the water.†I put him right in front of the pillar. Then I jumped and got behind the post like someone waiting for a bull to charge, and I said to him, â€Å"Come on, jump as far as you can so you’ll miss the water.†As soon as I’d said that, the poor blind man charged like an old goat. First he took one step back to get a running start, and then he hurled himself forward with all his might. His head hit the post with a hollow sound like a pumpkin. Then he fell over backward, half dead, with his head split open. â€Å"What? You mean to say you smelled the sausage but not the post? Smell it, smell it!†I said, and I left him in the hands of all the people who had run to help him. I reached the village gate on the run, and before night fell I made it to Torrijos. I didn’t know what God had done with him, and I never made any attempt to find out.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Indonesia †Asia’s Stumbling Giant Essay
Ind peerlesssia is a landed estate at heart Asia populated with around 220 million people. It has a strategic location astride study sea lanes and is an archipelago of 17,508 islands (globalEDGE, 2013). It is in any case deemed the worlds most Islamic nation where nearly 85% of the population consider themselves Muslim while nonoperational remaining one of the most ethnically diverse countries. Indonesia is cognise for its natural resources much(prenominal) as mining, cover and gas production, and forestry (Hill, 2013). From a semi policy-making stand orient, Indonesia has a mixed frugal sy bafflening in which the rescue includes a variety of private freedom, combined with keyized economical mean and government regulation (globalEDGE, 2013). Indonesias primal IssuesIndonesia has experienced m twain policy-making, economic and environmental disasters. Although economic harvest-festival was prevalent prior to 1997, the actions of the historical dictator Suharto i nfluenced the beginning of the downward(prenominal) spiral of the outlandish. The boorish accumulated major debt by what is referred to as crony capitalism as Suharto used his command of the governmental system to favor the business enterprises of his supporters and family (Hill, 2013). As a result the current economic front, while it has gotten better, Indonesia static lags behind its southeastward Asian neighbors. Other central issues that stem from the foundation of economic destruction atomic number 18 suffering infrastructure, high unemployment, slow ripening in labor productivity, significant strange capital has left the country, decline in public, private and contrasted investment, endemically high take of decadence, and business activity is delayed importantly by red tape or great scrutinized processing procedures. While on that point argon numerous issues that argon occurring passim Indonesia, all require attention in order to wait on stabilize the co untry. Indonesias GoalsIndonesia has been known to sh atomic number 18 the same gross goals as the United States as twain countries firmly support a vast and diverse country. The three goals shared are democratization, sustain qualified economic growth, andterritorial rectitude (Gelbard, 2000). Democratic government and economic social welfare are the most effective guarantors of domesticated perceptual constancy. Potentially, the success of these three goals in Indonesia could rede into greater stability in atomic number 34 Asia and the Asia-peaceable region. Indonesias Constraints of the important IssueIndonesias main constraint to a roaring future is the rotting that occurs byout the country. It is state that although the dictator leadership has been removed, depravity is still very much alive throughout the entire legal system, including the police and prosecutors (Hill, 2013). putrefaction occurs most commonly in Indonesia through the form of grafting. Although In donesia does deplete anti- subversive activity policies and procedures in place, it is account that the politically elite are include in bribery schemes so a great deal that the policies and procedures lack any follow through. supererogatory constraints to achieving the countries goals and alleviating the central issues are poor infrastructure, environmental disasters, and red tape for businesses. Alternatives to Alleviate the Central IssueWhile there are many potential paths that can be used as alternatives to alleviate the central issues in Indonesia, the following moldinessiness be addressed eliminating corruption, bettering the countrys infrastructure, and nurture internal and external investment into the country. informant with eliminating corruption, as an alternative to seizeing it to stay on and negatively affect the political and economic divisions as it does today, the ideal would be to align supporters of the anti-corruption beat back to attend to strengthen the policies and procedures and also patron push out the offenders that are still participating in corruption. It is key to gravel political and legal participants who believe in the anti-corruption laws and are leave behinding to enforce them for the skinny of the country.The second alternative to help alleviating the central issues in Indonesia would be focusing on bettering the infrastructure of the country. The conditions of the country are poor at best with horrible alley systems and little to no access to electricity or modern sewage. Furtherto a greater extent, the tsunami that hit the rim of Indonesia in late 2004 only do these matters worse (Hill, 2013). Aspublic investments to amend the countrys infrastructure have declined, so have private investments. Indonesia must create a budget to allow the public investments to begin to increase once again to help stabilize the infrastructure of the country, and in turn leave draw in private investments as well to suppo rt with remodeling the infrastructure of the country. Best Alternative, close to Chance and Greatest Success stabilization and maturation in Indonesia should remain the uncomplicated focus in order to help alleviate the central issues of the country. The main alternative to address would be the corruption that occurs in spite of appearance Indonesia and implement policies to help reduce the bribery while monitoring and punish those who are participating in bribery acts. As Indonesia stands now, although there is already a let to alleviate corruption but the political offices that do not support them continue to participate in bribery and opposite forms of corruption. According to estimations by the World Bank, their administration lost $48 billion to corruption in Indonesia between 1977 and 1997 (Quah, 2011). As the country begins implementing and correctly practicing anti-corruption laws and properly punishing offenders, the economy result begin to see a fluctuation in ex cess gold flow with will create a waterfall effect to help rebuild the economy and infrastructure of the country. Once the country begins showing signs of economic and political reform, the country itself will open up to a greater extent opportunities to rebuild relationships with foreign investors, such as private investors in the oil perseverance that could potentially help Indonesia restore its consideration as an exporter of oil. Implementation PlanIn the case of Indonesia and their turmoil at this point in time, it has been evaluated that there is not steady-going road to economic and political stability except economic development alternatively a development program must be launched which will permit importee increases in per capita consumption over a short period of time, while at the same time accumulating capital and changing the structure of production so as to provide a permanent upshot to the balance of payments problem and to launch a process of continuous econom ic growth (Higgins, 1957). The following are key components that must be address and repaired before Indonesia has any chance at being asuccessful prosperous country. Lack of political WillLow Risk of spotting and PunishmentLow Wages of civilian ServantsExpansive Role of Governments in content DevelopmentAsian Culture of endue Giving Separated from Political Policies (Quah, 2011) start and foremost, Indonesia must eliminate the issue of corruption at the source within the political parties. Indonesia exists in an environment having established anti-corruption laws with a single anti-corruption agency, limiting the consequences and punishment for acts of corruption. Indonesia must implement an action plan such as Singapore and Honk Kong SAR as they have succeeded in minimizing corruption and make their economy. Again, this would entail commitment of political leaders, update policy context to be more favorable, and impartial implementation of effective anti-corruption measures. As the corruption issues begin to be regulate and stabilized, further development can be focused on within the country. change flow will be greater as less money will lost in bribery and will be able to be rerouted to development of the coutnrys infrastructure. As Indonesia begins to rebuild its political and economic front, the country will survive more appealing for international organizations. As private investments increase, one can hollo that public and international investments will also increase. However, the red tape for business that are in placed now will need to be evaluated and potentially redefined to help streamline new business development in Indonesia. As the necessary changes are implemented, Indonesia will also be able to strengthen the exports of their natural resources. They will begin to rely less on imports as they rebuild their manufacturability, in turn change magnitude their exports as well as realise from exports. This again will be a function of oppor tunity for foreign investment and will help strengthen foreign relationships for international business. All in all, without these measures being taken, Indonesia will remain a country in debt, run by corruption with a failing economy. These changes are postulate for a successful future for Indonesia both internally within the country and outwardly within foreign international business.ReferencesGelbard, R. (2000). U.S. and Indonesia usual Goals. The New York Times. Retrieved on January 12, 2014 from http// globalEdge. (2014). Retrieved on January 9, 2014 from http// Higgins, B. Howard. (1957). Indonesias economic stabilization and development. New York Institute of Pacific Relations. Hill, C. (2013). International business Competing in the orbiculate Marketplace. New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Quah, Jon S. T (2011). Curbing corruption in Asian countries an impossible hallucination?. Bingley, UK Emerald G roup.
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