Monday, September 30, 2019
Cipd Recording Essay
Organisations need to collect data in order to comply with regulations such as minimum wage, working time directive, health and safety and even health and safety. 2) Keeping training and performance records on employees enables management to assess individual productivity and performance and allows them to help the employee reach there full potential and in turn increase productivity. Two Types Of Data Collected and How Each Supports HR Practices 1) Statutory Records – Such as tax, national insurance contributions, sickness and SSP, hours worked and accident book. These types of records ensure that the HR department complies with all regulatory requirements 2) Organisational Records – Such as Recruitment and Selection records, absence, staff turnover records, learning and development records. These types of records are essential for the HR department and allows them to monitor staffing levels and recruit when necessary, monitor staff sickness to ensure productivity is not being affected and also to if there is anything the organization can do to cut down on sickness levels and records to ensure that staff are maintaining a high level of efficiency through learning and development activities. Two Methods of storing records and benefits of each Manual System: Filing Cabinet – Files are easily accessible and doesn’t require a computer to be turned on. Manual system cannot be affected by loss of power or hackers cannot access a manual filing system from another computer Computerised System: The benefits of a computerised filing system are numerous, and include reduced costs to the company, benefits to the environment, increased ease of sorting, finding, and moving documents. Another benefit is that it allows the office to operate in a smaller environment, because a great deal of space is not required for storing documents in a paper filing system. Two Essential Items of UK Legislation relating to Recording and Storing HR Data Data Protection Act 1998 The Data Protection Act 1998 applies to most personnel records, whether held in paper or computerised format. Under the Data Protection Act, data must not be kept any longer than is necessary for a particular purpose. Computerised systems are covered by the law, as are certain manual systems: to be covered, manual systems must be organised into a ‘relevant filing system’. Subject to certain exceptions as detailed in Schedule 7 of the Data Protection Act, employees have the right to access their records and the employer is under an obligation to ensure that the data is accurate. Before releasing such data to a third party, the employer must seek the permission of the individual concerned. The Information Commissioner has issued an Employment Practices Data Protection Code in four parts: †¢ Part 1: Recruitment and selection †¢ Part 2: Employment records †¢ Part 3: Monitoring at work †¢ Part 4: Information about workers health. In the event that employment contracts/accident record books and other personnel records are needed for the purpose of a legal action, the riginals must be made available if possible or the employer must explain what happened to the original documents backed up by what is known as a ‘statement of truth’. When employers really no longer need to keep certain data, destruction must take place securely and effectively, for example by shredding. Freedom of Information Act (2000) NI The Freedom Of Information Act gives people the right to ask any public body for information they have on any subject you choose. Also, unless there’s a good reason, the organisation must provide the information within 20 working days. You can also ask for all the personal information it holds on you. The act applies to all ‘public authorities’ including: †¢ government departments and the Northern Ireland Assembly †¢ local authorities †¢ health trusts, hospitals and doctors surgeries †¢ schools, colleges and universities †¢ publicly funded museums †¢ the police †¢ many other non-departmental public bodies, committees and advisory bodies Any person can make a request for information under the Act – there is no restrictions on your age, nationality, or where you live. You can ask for any information at all – but some information might be withheld to protect various interests which are allowed for by the Act. If this is the case, the public authority must tell you why they have withheld information. If you ask for information about yourself, then your request will be handled under the Data Protection Act; if you ask for information about other people (third parties), the Freedom of Information Act will apply. However, disclosure of personal information which would breach anyone else’s rights under the Data Protection Act is not permitted.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Importance of Art in Our Life
It is usual human nature to admire beauty around us, such as we are often awe-struck when we see a painting, or read a beautiful poem, or listen to soothing music! Art is everywhere around us in many forms and holds a significant value in our lives. It is difficult to describe â€Å"Art†in literal terms, but broadly it is understood to be a form to express one’s feelings through any object or medium like paper, music, colours, technology, magic, photography etc. It could be abstract, realistic, naturalistic, conceptual, and inspirational.It is agreeable that we are surrounded by Art and also rely on it in our daily routine. When we enter someone’s home, it is difficult to stop ourselves to appreciate the way the living room is decorated. You would find rhythm and harmony in the way furniture are placed; photographs adorn a wall, paintings hung above the sofa or any particular artefact placed in a corner or centre piece on a coffee table etc. This is also art, on e doesn’t have to be a painter to be an artist, how an individual expresses him/herself, uses imagination and creative energy to embellish and decorate the surrounding.Arts have many forms  visual and performing arts are the ones that could be related easily. Visual arts broadly comprise of paintings, drawing, clay modelling, architecture, photography etc. and performing arts include dance, music, opera, theatre, magic, spoken words, circus art and musical theatre. It is inter-related with Entertainment. When you make people enjoy, laugh, cry, and angry by your performance, that is the art of entertaining. There is a big world of Entertainment and almost all of us find solace watching their work.Music has a great impact on our mood; it makes us joyful and relaxes us and keeps the energy on. Not only music, but also movies, plays and theatre also makes us active. This reveals how much we are hemmed in by Arts and Entertainment. It could be concluded that importance of Arts in our lives is very similar to entertainment. Now-a-days Art and Craft Education are encouraged at schools for children as it provides a platform for the young ones to express and explore their imagination. It could be very inspirational as well.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Analzye a Scene Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Analzye a Scene Assignment - Essay Example s highly qualified and honored general, and nevertheless he is moor, the Duke of Venice names him â€Å"the valiant Moor†, â€Å"valiant Othello†and shows him great respect. And when Brabantio brings charges upon Othello, Duke doubts about Othello’s guilt and gives him an opportunity to clear his name. Here comes Desdemona, introducing herself. From her and Othello reader figures out about their love story. To my mind, it’s also important how Desdemona’s character opens Othello’s one. We see love between these two and how close they are. Also how they care about each other. When Othello hears that he must leave Desdemona because of his general’s duty, he says: In this scene other characters continue to open too. We see that Iago isn’t only double-faced, but also mercenary. He considers Roderigo (who’s unluckily in love with Desdemona) as a purse, packed with money. Iago selfishly plays on Roderigo’s misery. And we see Brabantio – an old-fashion, conservative father, a racist, who is full of prejudices. I’ve also noticed that with this scene begins a historical background of the play. Sailor and messenger appear with controversial information, during senators and duke’s consultation and suddenly there is need of action – all that brings war’s dynamic, a particular kind of pressure on characters and gives audience an understanding how Othello’s natural environment feels
Friday, September 27, 2019
Business skills - Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business skills - Interpretation - Essay Example The United States segment is the least contributor to the company’s profits as its best performance is operation at break even point (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger 2015, p. 122). All of the segments, however, reported volatile trends that also declined over the period. The following chart shows average profit contribution of all the segments over the considered years. The UK contributed an average of 61 percent of the company’s profits over the years and can be projected to continue being the main source of profits in the short run while The United States operates under losses and is likely to continue in the trend. The UK is the significant revenue generating segment and this explains its profit significance. In addition, revenues from the UK has the same trend as that of total revenue and this means that it is core to the company’s income. The trend in revenue is also less volatile and increasing, and an indicator of sustainable growth. The difference shows that expenses that the group incurs in its activities are more volatile than are revenues because profit is a factor of expenses (Porter & Norton 2012, p. 70). The existence of the UK as the source of revenue and the trend that suggest profitability in the other segments also means that the company can expand its operations in the UK and in the other segments, as an optimization strategy. The United States, unlike other segments, however, is not promising to the group as the following chart shows for average revenues.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Faculty of Business Environment and Society Essay
Faculty of Business Environment and Society - Essay Example I began by explaining to the producer what the requirements and contents of a legally binding agreement actually are, and how they apply specifically to this case. I also gave a general summary of what the show could expect, as per liabilities and legal redress, if the hostess backed out or tried to renege on the deal. The conversation was long and extensive, covering the main points of the legal issues as outlined herein. The first issue I advised Simon on was the need to be careful in what he might assume to be small talk or simple, informal negotiations, because one needed to consider that oral and written contracts are considered to be on the same standing when it comes to law. In order to take this into account, I advised, the director should be explicitly clear with Davina when they were negotiating informally, and in the best case scenario, to have a legal advisor present at all formal negotiations. This is not to say that if the two had drinks together and Simon promised the moon to Davina while under the influence all would be binding, but simply the need to be clear and careful in all communications. At this point, I decided it was a good time to explain that the common law accepted both objective and subjective proofs of legal contract agreements. As Mindy Chen-Wishart explains in Contract Law: â€Å"The subjective approach, which favors what a party's actual intention is, regardless of appearances; and The objective approach, which refers to how a reasonable person would interpret a party's intention from his conduct in all the circumstances.†(Chen-Wishart, 2007) Chen-Wishart also quotes Smith vs. Hughes (1871) as the main case law precedent related to the objectivity test, which posits a test of â€Å"reasonability†to determine how the average person would interpret a party’s intention in negotiation in forming a contract as decisive. (Chen-Wishart, 2007) When Simon asked how he could make sure he was not bound by informal ag reements or understandings when talking with business clients, I reiterated this was the overriding need for keeping legal representation present at all times when officially discussing business terms. While the handshake agreement remains popular in some circles, it is a dangerous way to conduct business in modern times, I concluded, precisely because of the lack of witnesses and clarity of situation involved in private, two-party negotiations. After this, Simon asked exactly what requirements were considered most important to make a contract legally binding for all parties following the initial negotiation. While there is a broad corpus of case law referencing contracts, I replied, the main factors could be considered: 1. â€Å"Agreement - where one party makes an offer and the other accepts it; 2. Consideration - where one party gives something in exchange for something from the other party; 3. Intention - where both parties intend to abide by the contract; 4. Capacity - where b oth parties are mentally capable of understanding a contract; 5. Genuine consent - where both parties agree to the contract of their own free will; and 6. Legality - where all of the parts of the contract are legal.†(Victorian Law Foundation, 2011) The principle of agreement, I said, could be applied to either the verbal or written contract and was based on mutual
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Assignment #2 355 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
#2 355 - Assignment Example Additionally, the family is constantly involved in wrangles and family conflicts, mainly associated with limited resource availability and distribution. One aspect worth noting with the family is the aspect of the gendered division of labor. Jay, who is the head of the family, struggles in order to provide for his big family, which comprises of his second wife, who also works though for limited pay, and, therefore only takes care of her two children, a stepson, an infant son, two adult children, their spouses, one couple of which comprises same sex individuals, and children. Jay and the two adult children all struggle with menial jobs to make ends meet in for the provision of the familys basic needs , while Jay’s second wife, despite also working, only takes care of her children while the other adult children’s spouses, work on the housekeeping duties. Considering how big the family is, with a house that is tiny, the house is rarely clean, with the large number of members as well as the struggle between the adult females in the house about the person to clean the house contributing to the house untidiness. The lead characters are individuals of 20 years and above, among whom conflict is constantly witnessed. There is no frail elderly individual in the family; however, Jay’s stepson is constantly on the wheelchair because of broken limbs from an earlier accident. From the TV show, work is presented favorably as a factor towards the contribution of provision of family’s basic needs. However, the family is presented negatively as despite the effort put by Jay and the adult children in their duties towards providing for the family, the family members is always in conflict, especially the Jay’s second wife and Jay’s other children. Modern family characters portray a critical aspect of what a modern family in America comprises. First, is an
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Orlando Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Orlando - Essay Example he novel, by choosing not to grow old during the three centuries time span of the storyline and most importantly changing gender from male to female, is depicted in such a manner as to provoke the reader’s thought by sincerely analyzing all aspects of the two sexes’ behavioral attributes. Although Woolf’s work of Orlando is a passionate depiction based on the life of her friend and lover Vita Sackville-West as it was originally intended to be, the novel gives us a far more illustrative view of the world concerning gender specifics, sexuality and human nature as it had been during the second half of the previous millennium. According to Wikipedia, the novel can be read as a ‘roman à clef’ which is a work of literature describing real life, behind a faà §ade of fiction and where the main character is usually a famous personality, or in some cases, the author. Woolf has used immense material from the writings of Vita as a basis for her own novel. Even though the main character here is based on the life of Vita, using the overtones of fiction and the liberties made available through fantasy, Woolf was able to construct a well documented biography of Vita, without subjecting herself to criticism or controversy. Themes such as homosexuality have bee n subtly brought into the picture by fictionalizing the real life character as a male who transforms into a female later on. This show the ingeniousness of Virginia Woolf, as most other works of English fiction directly approaching the subject of homosexuality had been banned during her years. Therefore even though she has titled her work as a biography, the novel has been classified as fiction, and this shows how Woolf had intended to cross the boundaries set between fiction and non-fiction with Orlando, â€Å"so the novel is not only about trans-gender, but also trans-genre, so to speak.†(Wikipedia) The book offers us considerable insight into the study and comparison between the male and female mind, as Woolf
Monday, September 23, 2019
Inquiry 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Inquiry 3 - Essay Example I worked in the Treasury department which was a division of the Finance wing of the organization. Like any other organization, there were diverse cultures, races, beliefs and races, who worked in the organization. During my internship, I was afforded the chance to interact with a host of different people, with different views on life and the way the organization should be run. I had both bad and good experiences but I don’t think I will be able to forget my first day. Since it is a local bank, my internship was not exactly accorded to me through the proper channels. In fact, I think the main reason that I was given the opportunity, despite my impressive academic achievements, was the fact that my father previously worked as the branch manager of that branch and still had some contacts in the organization. Anyway, the world is run on strong social contacts and I guess I had that as an advantage. At the back of my mind, I thought that the internship would be a casual affair with no need for formal attire. Therefore on my first day, I showed up at work in a semi-formal fashion, no tie and no coat and you can imagine the surprise on the security guard’s face when I told him I was an employee. He must have thought I was a visitor or the son of one of the employees in the branch. At the entrance of the Finance division, I was ushered into a cubicle with two short African American gentlemen, who calmly enquired about my academic performance, my social lifestyle and gave me a quick orientation regarding the workings of the organization. They were very helpful and very friendly, with calm reassuring demeanors which I frankly found to be nothing similar to the stereotypes of African Americans, which perceives them as being loud and aggressive. They even jokingly warned me to look out for certain people who they quoted as being ‘nothing but trouble†. I could tell that they were the jokers of the office due to the informal set up of the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Irony in to Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example for Free
Irony in to Kill a Mockingbird Essay Irony: A rhetorical device, literary technique, or situation in which there is an incongruity between the literal and the implied meaning. Example: â€Å"’We are a democracy and Germany is a dictatorship†¦ Over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced’†(329). Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird. Context: In To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, during class, little Cecil Jacobs gives his current event about Adolf Hitler to the class. Miss Gates, the teacher, takes this opportunity to teach the children a lesson about how wrong prosecuting the Jews was and how she â€Å"hate Hitler so bad†(331). Scout later finds this misleading because at the courthouse, she overheard Miss Gates telling Miss Stephanie â€Å"’it’s time somebody taught [black people] a lesson, they were getting’ way above themselves’†(331). Concept: In To Kill A Mockingbird, Lee utilizes irony to emphasize the connection between the issue of racism in Maycomb to Hitler’s intolerance for Jews. Lee applies the reference to Adolf Hitler as a representation of the discrimination in Maycomb. During a lesson, Miss Gates expresses her belief of how it was horribly erroneous Hitler’s injustice to the Jews was. Although she believes â€Å"‘[in Maycomb], we don’t believe in persecuting anybody’,†she is oblivious to the prejudice she is against because it was fairly distinct in the aftermath of Tom Robinson’s trial, that the town, in fact, does commit the act of aversion towards black people (329). Scout recalls Miss Gates telling Miss Stephanie in the courthouse after Tom Robinson’s trial, that â€Å"it’s time somebody taught [the black people] a lesson’†(331). Miss Gates contradicts herself by teaching the children a lesson about the detestable acts of persecution while she hypocritically judges the blacks harshly right in Maycomb. She herself is mirroring the actions of Hitler, persecuting the black people in her own town when she herself says that the people of Maycomb â€Å"don’t believe in persecuting anybody†(329). It is ironic because Miss Gates has these views on Hitler whereas her actions are comparable to Hitler’s. Connection: In To Kill A Mockingbird, the above example links to the characterization of the Maycomb townspeople. Their hostility reveals a darker, more lurid side to the seemingly peaceful town. The biased townspeople are very discriminating to the black people. Their hateful ways show ignorance and how they rule the community’s concept of what democracy means. When Atticus says that Tom Robinson’s case â€Å"is as simple as black and white,†he literally means it is that simple. The white people easily side with Bob Ewell’s story rather than with the truth just because it is a black man’s words. This displays their prejudice and animosity against black people.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Four Types of Organisational Structure Essay Example for Free
Four Types of Organisational Structure Essay Organising is therefore the method by which an organisation is formally controlled into divisions or operational units and the structure of the firm is established. The end product of management process is organisational structure. Organisational structure binds the all level of management personals together and brings them into proper development and co-ordination of organisation. It is tasks arrangement which is break up into a few divisions or departments and grouping it together under the management hierarchy to achieve the organisation objectives. Under the organisation structure, one single path will create to attach the tasks, work flow and communication channels between the personals and the various divisional peoples of organisation. Organisation structures smooth the progress of efficient management, direction and control. Every administration has to set up its own organisation structure for well-organized perform of business actions. An organisation structure usually represent in graphical form which is called an organisation chart. Usually, the chart illustrated in the form of vertical, horizontal or concentric to define the authority and responsibilities of personals in various levels. The chart always created according to the existing departmentalisation of organisation. In departmentalisation, each personal from different job segments will work to achieve an aim of pre-determined organisational objectives. The departmentalisation is based on five structures, which is functions, products, consumers, geographical and matrix. In these papers, we will go through the justification of four structure which is function, product, geographical and matrix with sample organisational chart on each structure.  Sample Organisation Chart of Functional Structure. Source: SIA Cargo Pte Ltd Functional organisation structure is the most common and logical type of business unit that adhere by companies. In this structure, people are group together based on common skills and work activities. It focuses on single service and doesn’t need frequent changes in organisational hierarchy. Base on above organisational chart, we can notify that the total organisation system is coordinating by top management. For a proficient management function, the organisation breaks up into a few departments such as marketing, engineering, technology, operational and etc. Each departments lead by a senior manager or vice president who are reporting to a single authority, top management. As the simplest approach, a functional structure sort well-defined channels of communication and influence relationship. Each department’s staff needs to report to their only functional unit’s manager and by doing this, the various business unit’s prevent any kind of misunderstanding or conflicts among them. The chart hierarchy is simplified, well-organised and the separation of tasks also well defined with layer by layer. The fewer layer of management will ease the expectation of top management and also improve the task co-ordination. Decision making process is swift and authorities in functional structure. Because of the staffs in functional structure come from similar background and perspectives, so it wills faster the process of the decision-making without waste of time. Since the every business units in structure workout in similar background, it might cluster the processing of the papers together and highly improving the knowledge sharing between co-workers. Sharing knowledge make the organisation more productive and competitive where the experience personals such as managers often coaching and mentoring the less experience personals of each units through seminar or workshop. Functional structures produce clear career hierarchy organisation members to go after. Managers within a functional structure are generally skilled within their particular unit. They were hiring to lead the units due to their tremendous performance. These managers have a better-quality skill level that facilitate make their profession easier and makes them better capable of to monitor the individual act of their team members to allocate credit, rewards and penalty accordingly. A functional structure may draw some setbacks to organisation. It controls people and assets and build up core competences. As a company develop and becomes more difficult, each function tries to retain the company’s situation. Increased order may strain manufacturing to manufacture products quick enough or in sufficient capacity may lead to control problems. When control problems arise, it also strains the situation in evaluating the cost and contribution of each function. Other drawback is communication problem. Poor communication occurs within the organisation due to subunit orientation. The top management find it hard when balancing the process of decision making between centralise function and regional managers. The top managers might disrupted by solving a daily problems and may loss focus on long term strategic issues, resulting in long term strategic direction.  Sample Organisation Chart of Geographical Structure. Source: SIA Cargo Pte Ltd Geographical organisation structure is usually used by big firms whose operations are spread out over a large geographical area, for instance, multinational companies which market their service worldwide. Hotel, retail, food and transportation are among the industries which is widely using the geographical structure in their management. The whole organisation will lead by a president and one person will be responsible for an each particular region. According to above SIA Cargo chart, business units were set up at six different geographic locations and each regional branch head by Regional Vice President. The branch Vice Presidents will report to Senior Vice President. The expansion of business units can be local, national or international. In geographical structure, the organisation stick on company strategies and values although operates individually. It operates as its own unit based on where it located. In this structure, each personnel from various departments have prospect to work together. Working as a group will form a strong teamwork effort and keep them in the process of planning and decision making. Beside this, everyone in the departments will have an ability to recognize the personalities and values of each individual. Close working proximity lead to decentralise the process of decision-making and make organisation to settle in rapid changes in divisional goals. In each region, a local or personnel who familiar with local business environment and culture will be employ to head the business units. It ensures that the company well understand the customer expectation and needs. Base on local knowledge, the departments heads able to create a high coordination and effective process of decision making across the functional units. The regional heads ensures the company strategies adaptable to local culture and suit to fast change in unstable environment. In divisional structure, usually the departments act as a group. It allows the responsible personnel to put on better focus in their resources and results. It also makes the performance easier to monitor the customer service quality. A personal that understand and speak the local language, will satisfy the customer expectation because the contact points are clearly explain. Customer service personnel will also have better access to personnel from other units, which can allocate them to handle the customer matters much more efficiently. With geographical structure, following the routine of individual markets and task groups is cut down, as metrics such as revenues, profit margins, costs, and routine enhancement can be attached to particular regions. It is a most important strategic advantage of this structure. Many problems might incur for the companies whom use geographical based structure. Some companies may find it complicated to run a geographic organizational structure because it duplication of works and disagreement to centralized decision-making. The top management must rely on other regional heads to take counteractive actions and look up operations rather than giving a command from the companys main office or headquarters. It may lead the company top management loss the authority in controlling the divisional units. Another limitation is expansion of knowledge. Usually, the structure does not maintain the knowledge sharing between people working in the same line of work because part of them is working in one division and the others are working in other divisions. Sample Organisation Chart of Product Structure. Source: Arla Foods Ingredients Above chart is an Arla Food Ingredients organisation chart. The chart is a product based organisation structure. Product-based structure means the regrouping of a functional structure and uses to organise employees and work on the basis of different type of products. This type structure brings together all those involved in the production skills, technical skills and marketing skills of a particular product or set of related products. Each division in structure has its own internal departments and function as self business unit. Companies that manufacture a wide variety of products such as cars and foods would find this type of structure appropriate to their organisation. Many companies tend to shift to product based structure as they expand, and as new products range are developed and new markets entered. Product based companies have no direct contact with their customers. Initially, they need to assess the market segments and develop the product from their assessment. Follow that, they must determine the price of products in line with the customer’s expectation and produce the products to sell in the market. Product based structure is also have a similar function as geographical structure. In Arla Food Ingredients, both product structure and geographical structure group together in the organisation. It will add much better clear focus on market segments and help to meets the customer’s expectation. Each division of products will be operates base on individual performance. It keeps up the positive competition between the divisions and allows the directors or managers to have better be in command of each division can act as separate profit centre. In this structure, division members are more likely to be persistent on products. It deals with the technological transform by grouping personnel with skill and their specialised equipment in one business unit. So, the division heads have a lot of control over operations and will not necessary to depend on another, separate area to get things done. The department managers will keep an eye on design and manufacturing activities, and employees become reliable to product not to function. It also allows the managers and employees to improve and expand their skills and knowledge in the organisation. The customisation of more products into division will lead to save time and cost. Decentralisation of process of decision making will facilitate rapid decision making results with effectively. It will reduce the risk of product failure and also bring on improvement in employee morale due to divisional decision making. Instead of better operational controls, the organisation can avoid the poor communication within the personnel’s which is bring to slow development of products. By the way, there is some limitation might happen when use the product base structure. An example, each product division has R;D department. When product expansion incur, number of personnel in R;D will increase. This increment will happen to each product divisions. So, it will lead to duplication of works and increase the costs of staffs. Since the divisions separately monitor, the difficulty might happen to top management to coordinating them together.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Types And Uses Of Coupling Devices Engineering Essay
Types And Uses Of Coupling Devices Engineering Essay A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power.In machinery, a device for providing a connection, readily broken and restored, between two adjacent rotating shafts.A coupling may provide either a rigid or a flexible connection; the flexibility may permit misalignment of the connected shafts or provide a torsionally flexible (yielding) connection, mitigating effects of shock Couplings do not normally allow disconnection of shafts during operation, though there do exist torque limiting couplings which can slip or disconnect when some torque limit is exceeded. A common type of rigid coupling consists of two mating radial flanges (disks) that are attached by key-driven hubs to the ends of the shafts and bolted together through the flanges. Alignment of the shafts is usually achieved by means of a short cylindrical projection (rabbet joint) on the face of one flange that fits snugly into a circular recess on the face of the other flange. The chain coupling consists of two hardened-steel sprockets, one on each shaft, with a nylon or metal roller chain wrapped around the closely aligned sprockets and connected at the ends. Clearances between the sprocket teeth and the chain allow for a small amount of shaft misalignment. For connecting shafts whose axes intersect but are inclined to one another at a larger angle than a flexible coupling can accommodate, universal joints are used. The most common of these is the Hooke, or Cardan, joint, which consists of two yokes attached to the shaft ends and a cross-shaped connecting member. Uses Shaft couplings are used in machinery for several purposes, the most common of which are the following. To provide for the connection of shafts of units that are manufactured separatelty such as a motor and generator and to provide for disconnection for repairs or alternations. To provide for misalignment of the shafts or to introduce mechanical flexibility. To reduce the transmission of shock loads from one shaft to another. To introduce protection against overloads. To alter the vibration characteristics of rotating units. Types of shaft couplings Drive couplings A coupling is used to connect two in-line shafts to allow one shaft (driver) to drive the second shaft(driven) at the same speed. A coupling can be rigid or, more normally, it can be flexible allowing relative radial, axial or angular movement of the two shafts. Unlike the clutch the coupling transmission is not designed to engage-disengage as a normal operation Coupling Type Coupling type Description Rigid Flange locked onto each shaft. One flange with recess and the other with matching spigot. Flanges bolted together to form rigid coupling with no tolerance for relative radial, angular or axial movement of the shafts. Muff Coupling Long cylindrical coupling bored and keyed to fit over both shafts. Split axially and clamped over both shafts with recessed bolts. Rigid coupling for transmitting high torques at high speeds Beam Coupling Single piece cylindrical coupling with a hole bored through its entire length. Each end bored to suite the relevant shaft. The helical slot is machined in the coupling in the central region. The reduces the coupling stiffness. The coupling is positive with some flexibility. Pin As rigid coupling but with no recess and spigot and the Bolts replaced by pins with rubber bushes. Design allows certain flexibility. Flexible Rubber disc As rigid coupling except that a thick rubber disc bonded between steel plates is located between the flanges. The plates are bolted to the adjacent coupling flanges. Spider Both half of the couplings have three shaped lugs . When the coupling halves are fitted together the lugs on one half fit inside the spaces between the lugs on the other side. A Rubber insert with six legs fits within the spaces between the lugs. The drive is by the lugs transmitting the torque through the rubber spider spacer This coupling is only used for low power drives. Bibby Coupling The outer flanges of the two half couplings are serrated. A spring fits into the serrations connecting the two halves. Chain Coupling Flanges replaced a sprocket on each shaft. The coupling is by a duplex chain wrapped over both adjacent cnoupling. Gear Coupling Both coupling halves have a raised rim machined as an external gear. The sleeve which couples the two shafts comprises two halves bolted together, each half having a machine internal gear. This coupling requires lubrication. The coupling is capable of high speeds and high power capacity. Metastream Coupling Coupling halves connected via stainless steel diaphragms. High speed high torque capability with good dynamic balance. Single coupling will accommodate angular and radial misalignment and fitted in pairs also allows lateral misalignment. Fluid Coupling Based on both coupling halves having vanes within a housing containing viscous fluid. The rotation is transmitted from one side to the other via the viscous fluid. the coupling provides a soft start. Universal Coupling Coupling which allows large angle between drive halves(20-30o). Generally based on a yoke mounted on each shaft . Between to yokes is mounted a trunnion cross. Needle bearings are used at the bearing points between the cross and the yokes. These type or units are used in pairs on carden shafts. Uses widely on rear wheel drive vehicle propshafts Universal Coupling- Uni-Joint Simplest type of coupling which allows large angle between drive halves. Each side of coupling includes protruding pins. The halves of the coupling are fastened in a pivotting assembly. At all angles up to about 40othe pins interlock with each other and rotation on one half forces the other half to rotate. Low power use only . Not smooth. Not reliable. Really only suitable for remote manual operations. Rigid coupling Rigid couplings are used when precise shaft alignment is required; shaft misalignment will affect the couplings performance as well as its life. Examples: Sleeve or muff coupling Clamp or split-muff or compression coupling Flange coupling Flexible coupling Flexible couplings are designed to transmit torque while permitting some radial and axial and angular misalignment. Flexible couplings can accommodate angular misalignment up to a few degrees and some parallel misalignment. Examples: Bushed pin type coupling Universal coupling Oldham coupling Bellows coupling à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ low backlash. Spider or jaw coupling à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ elastomeric inserts for flexibility, vibration reduction. Thompson coupling Resilient coupling Disc coupling Some applications like printing machines, roll forming machines, laminating machines, corrugated paper machines and paper making machines require an extreme and variable parallel offset. For these machines the coupling Schmidt-Kupplung is a solution. Torque limiting coupling Torque limiting couplings, or torque limiters, protect systems against overtorque conditions. Requirements of good shaft alignment / good coupling setup it should be easy to connect or disconnect the coupling. it should transmit the full power from one shaft to other without losses. it does allow some misalignment between the two adjacent shaft roation axis. it is the goal to minimise the remaining misalignment in running operation to maximise power transmission and to maximise machine runtime (coupling and bearing and sealings lifetime). it should have no projecting parts. it is recommended to use manufacturers alignment target values to set up the machine train to a defined non-zero alignment, due to the fact that later when the machine is at operation temperature the alignment condition is perfect Tools to measure shaft axis alignment condition it is possible to measure the alignment with dial gages or feeler gages using various mechanical setups. it is recommended to take care of bracket sag, parallaxe error while reading the values. it is very convenient to use laser shaft alignment technique to perform the alignment task within highest accuracy. it is required to align the machine better, the laser shaft alignment tool can help to show the required moves at the feet positions. Coupling maintenance and failure Coupling maintenance is generally a simple matter, requiring a regularly scheduled inspection of each coupling. It consists of: Performing visual inspections, checking for signs of wear or fatigue, and cleaning couplings regularly. Checking and changing lubricant regularly if the coupling is lubricated. This maintenance is required annually for most couplings and more frequently for couplings in adverse environments or in demanding operating conditions. Documenting the maintenance performed on each coupling, along with the date. Even with proper maintenance, however, couplings can fail. Underlying reasons for failure, other than maintenance, include: Improper installation Poor coupling selection Operation beyond design capabilities. The only way to improve coupling life is to understand what caused the failure and to correct it prior to installing a new coupling. Some external signs that indicate potential coupling failure include: Abnormal noise, such as screeching, squealing or chattering Excessive vibration or wobble Failed seals indicated by lubricant leakage or contamination. Checking the coupling balance Couplings are normally balanced at the factory prior to being shipped, but they occasionally go out of balance in operation. Balancing can be difficult and expensive, and is normally done only when operating tolerances are such that the effort and the expense are justified. The amount of coupling unbalance that can be tolerated by any system is dictated by the characteristics of the specific connected machines and can be determined by detailed analysis or experience.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Comparing Paintings by Pablo Picasso and Alberto Morrocco Essay
Comparing Paintings by Pablo Picasso and Alberto Morrocco I have decided to contrast and compare paintings by cubist artist Pablo Picasso and contemporary artist Alberto Morrocco. I have studied their paintings to find out their influences and any similarities between their work. I have tried to find a source of their motivation and reason for their interpretations. Firstly, I am going to write about cubist artist, Pablo Picasso. Inspired by artist Paul Cezanne, the father of analytical cubism, Picasso attempted many styles of work. He experimented with different media and use of colour, throughout his artistic career. His paintings reflected his moods and attitudes, which changed several times during the course of his life. As a result of this, groups of his painting can be separated into 'periods'. A very famous period Picasso developed was his 'Blue Period', where the paintings of this time were blue in colour and portrayed him to be unhappy. An example of this is ' The Tragedy' painted in 1903. The painting is of a family standing on a beach, frozen like statues. In my perception, it takes on the image of a snapshot, eternally showing these still lonely figures. The painting looks cold due to Picasso's use of blue, submitting further the idea of unintimacy and absence of love within this solemn family. I understand why Picasso adopted such a melancholy atmosphere; it was a result of his friend committing suicide in 1901. His use of thick brush strokes and realistic perception of a family drowned by the presence of poverty, portray an image of deep sorrow and sadness. A painting that resembles Picasso's 'The Tragedy' is the 'Siesta' by Alberto Morrocco painted in 1971. Picasso and artist Henri Matisse had great influence Alberto Morrocco. Inspiration also came from his principal teacher James Cowie, who encouraged Morrocco to make painting his career. The 'Siesta' shows a female child sleeping naked on a table. Sitting behind her is a woman, presumably her mother, who is awake and holing a sunflower. This also can be perceived as a photographic image. I feel as though the woman is staring directly at the camera, her eyes fixated upon me. This highlights one similarity between Morrocco's 'Siesta' and Picasso's 'The Tragedy' purely by choice of composition. Another similarity I have discovered is that both art... be in this painting, the egg would have rolled off. Both these paintings are similar also in colour. The colours used are bright, strong and effective. I believe that the colour concepts bring each painting to life. Picasso used natural colours to represent the natural significance of the objects in this painting. This makes me feel comfortable and at peace. Morrocco chose olive green, reds and blues to capture the essence of his native Italy. This, in my opinion, gives the painting a special quality and is very pleasing to look at. Picasso's 'Bread Fruit Dish on a Table' is a fantastic example of how he experimented with shape and tried to teach himself and learn through experience the techniques of analytical cubism. He later used this new knowledge to develop cubism further and create a new, unique style which he called synthetic cubism. Alberto Morrocco sought inspiration from Picasso's cubist phase and tried out the style himself. ' Homage a Braque' is a very interesting painting which clearly shows similarities between his paintings and those by Pablo Picasso. However, Morrocco gave an incentive of himself into his painting making it his own masterpiece.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman by Marjorie Shostak :: Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman
â€Å"Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman†by Marjorie Shostak      In the book, â€Å"Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman,†written by Marjorie Shostak; is a culturally shocking and extremely touching book about a woman who had gone through many struggles and horrific tragedies in her life. This book also emphasizes the perspective of most of the women in the society. There are many striking issues in this book that the people of the !Kung tribe go through.      Marjorie Shostak, an anthropologist who had written this book had studies the !Kung tribe for two years. Shostak had spent the two years interviewing the women in the society. The !Kung tribe resided n the Dobe area of Northwest Botswana, that’s infused with a series of clicks, represented on paper by exclamation points and slashes. Shostak had studied that the people of the tribe relied mostly on nuts of the mongongo, which is from an indigenous tree that’s part of their diet.      Shostak, out of all the women in the tribe had made close connections with a fifty year old woman with the name of Nisa. The woman, Nisa, is what the book is about. The book is written in Nisa’s point of view of her life experiences while growing up in that type of society. Nisa’s willingness to speak in the interviews about her childhood and her life gave Shostak a solid basis on what to write her book on. Nisa’s life was filled with tragedies. She had gone through certain situations where Nisa loses two of her children as infants and two as adults. She had also lost her husband soon after the birth of one of their children. According to Shostak, â€Å"None of the women had experiences as much tragedy as Nisa†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shostak, 351).      Shostak, when interviewing Nisa, considers that in the beginning of the book, Nisa seems to exaggerate the stories from when she was an infant. Although the stories are exaggerated by Nisa, a lot of women can relate to her life even with the geographic distance between them or if the society is completely different. Women of the same age can relate to Nisa, or if they went through the same situations like her. Certain women, even in America, have gone through a situation where they had to bury their own child or if they have lost a husband.      This book had first started out by introducing the readers to what this book is going to sound like, which was the Introduction. Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman by Marjorie Shostak :: Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman â€Å"Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman†by Marjorie Shostak      In the book, â€Å"Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman,†written by Marjorie Shostak; is a culturally shocking and extremely touching book about a woman who had gone through many struggles and horrific tragedies in her life. This book also emphasizes the perspective of most of the women in the society. There are many striking issues in this book that the people of the !Kung tribe go through.      Marjorie Shostak, an anthropologist who had written this book had studies the !Kung tribe for two years. Shostak had spent the two years interviewing the women in the society. The !Kung tribe resided n the Dobe area of Northwest Botswana, that’s infused with a series of clicks, represented on paper by exclamation points and slashes. Shostak had studied that the people of the tribe relied mostly on nuts of the mongongo, which is from an indigenous tree that’s part of their diet.      Shostak, out of all the women in the tribe had made close connections with a fifty year old woman with the name of Nisa. The woman, Nisa, is what the book is about. The book is written in Nisa’s point of view of her life experiences while growing up in that type of society. Nisa’s willingness to speak in the interviews about her childhood and her life gave Shostak a solid basis on what to write her book on. Nisa’s life was filled with tragedies. She had gone through certain situations where Nisa loses two of her children as infants and two as adults. She had also lost her husband soon after the birth of one of their children. According to Shostak, â€Å"None of the women had experiences as much tragedy as Nisa†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Shostak, 351).      Shostak, when interviewing Nisa, considers that in the beginning of the book, Nisa seems to exaggerate the stories from when she was an infant. Although the stories are exaggerated by Nisa, a lot of women can relate to her life even with the geographic distance between them or if the society is completely different. Women of the same age can relate to Nisa, or if they went through the same situations like her. Certain women, even in America, have gone through a situation where they had to bury their own child or if they have lost a husband.      This book had first started out by introducing the readers to what this book is going to sound like, which was the Introduction.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
My Favourite Book Essay
Some read books to idle away their time. Some read books to widen their knowledge, while many others read books to enjoy its content. I belong to this category. I enjoy reading good books particularly novels, short stories, plays, etc. The world famous literary works of great authors such as, Charles Dickens, Tolstoy, Dominique Lappiere, Rabindranath Tagore, R. K. Narayan, Arundhathi Roy, Salman Rushdie, etc. have always charmed and thrilled me, giving waves of delight, leisure, relaxation and mental refreshment. My favourite book is ‘City of Joy’ written by Dominique Lappiere. The book is a touching description of the lives of the slum-dwellers of Kolkata. The street-urchins, cycle-rickshaw pullers, city-vendors, coolies, pimps, ordinary men and women are the heroes and heroines of this story. Their lives, their joys and suffering and their pitiable existence are vividly painted by the author. It is the story of the most unwanted people of the society. But the author finds joy, courage, excellence, and fine qualities amidst this miserable existence. The story has touched me so much that I have read this book several times during the last few years. The most attractive feature of the book, which impressed me most, was the author’s mention of minute details. The author does not give a picture of the slums of Kolkata from far but rather presents a realistic picture with its congested dwellings, dirty drains, narrow footpaths, people’s quarrels and fights, their feasts and festivals, etc. The beauty of narration becomes all the more thrilling when it is realistic and true. No wonder why the book has won so much international acclaim. Secondly, the superb presentation of the scenes, characters and episodes whether important or unimportant in the story, keeps the reader spellbound throughout. The language is simple and the style of narration is down to earth. The author’s skill of characterisation is too exquisite to go unnoticed. When we read the book, a whole face of numerous lives open before us. Lappiere’s art of story building is also most impressive. The gradual build-up of the story leading to a touching finale in the end has made Lappiere’s work a wonderful literary work, worth reading. It is a fact that if one starts reading this book, he or she would not be able to put away the book without completing it. The curiosity to know what happened to their lives and how they would end up finally keeps the reader excited and forces him/her to go on with the reading. Over the last few years I have read many books, particularly fictions. But none of them has impressed me or touched me in this manner and brought tears to my eyes as ‘City of Joy’. To me this book is one of the finest books in the world. Its excellent qualities have made it my favourite book.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Is this a fair that Men and Women are becoming more equal
It is true to say that often through out time, in various circumstances and situations, individuals have been discriminated based on their gender. We would think that after numerous years of battle for equality, we would have reached the point where the role of men and women at home merged and the different responsibilities shared. Although there is no generally accepted way of measuring inequality between husbands and wives, different researchers have measured it in different ways. However, most find little evidence that inequality in marriage has been significantly reduced. Willmott and Young used the word ‘symmetry' to describe the duties of husbands and wives as the idea of symmetry describes a ‘sense of balance' between the tasks which are carried out. They believe that women took the major responsibilities of domestic labour and child care, men are spending an equal amount of time on home centred activities. Relationships of this type are known as joint conjugal roles whereby tasks are shared. However Willmott and Young have been severely critisized on their assumptions being based on ‘typical, metropolitan white families' over looking family diversity present in society. The term ‘symmetry' does not represent the idea of equality it is intended to. Evidence illustrates the diversity of modern family structure and so the idea of any family being typical in not very realistic. Apparently their sociology same about from a very ‘male stream sociology' so a woman who worked outside the house is believed, is still responsible for the home. There is some support for their work where Gershuny, who studied the amount of time spent by couples on domestic labour found that the ‘proportion of housework performed by husbands has increased as wives have taken on paid employment'. Combining work and family is an important issue not only because it concerns a great part of the population and because it is one of the key issues of equality. It is also a big problem in the everyday lives of people, because both women and men may have full time jobs. Edgell examined the decision making between husbands and wives and found that women tended to dominate in choices made on the basis of domestic spending and children's necessities where as men in areas that were considered more important such as moving homes and finance in general. The study of money management carried out by Pahl illustrated that just over a quarter of the couples in her study had this system in which there was a fair degree of equality. According to Duncombe and Marsden many women in their study expressed dissatisfaction with their partner;s emotional input into the family and most men did not acknowledg that emotion work needed to be done and it again, shows the responsibility placement on women. Concluding evidence on the inequality within family life as suggested by a study by Dunne shows that women are still a long way from achieving equality within marriage. Her enquiry into lesbian households showed that an equitable domestic division of labour can be achieved however it is harder when in a culture that differentiates so clearly between masculinity and femininity stereotypes. Traditional roles that were once adapted to suit the changes from extended families to nuclear have survived into our own century and as much as some of us would like to see the developments of equality, this will be a slow process. Working life sets conditions on people's use of time far beyond the workplace and the working hours. We know that integrating these two parts of life is one of the greatest challenges parents face in their everyday life. The daily schedule of any family with children is probably among the toughest.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
My Sociological Imagination Essay
â€Å"The sociological Imagination is defined as the ability to understand the one’s own issues are not caused simply by one’s own beliefs or thoughts but by society and how it is structured.†(Mills, The Sociological Imagination, 1959). Therefore, one can never solve their problems until they understand that they cannot be solved simply on an individual level but must be addressed on the social level. It is the ability to see how society is structured and how things such as societal norms influence people into performing certain actions. It involves observing outcomes from a different perspective in order to understand what influenced those outcomes. Growing up in one’s environment is likely to play as a factor in the way they go about things in the life. People cannot change their environment so they sometimes have to change themselves in order to become to fit in with their societies or to become successful person. The sociological perspective better known as the sociological imagination helps individuals see through a broader scope of the society. Being a part of a general category like a working class youth or a student, you must learn how to view the world through by society. My agent of socialization belongs to my university and friends or peer who surrounded me recently because I believe the service-learning that we will be taking part in will help to expand our sociological imaginations. For myself, my parents are born into a certain environment and depending on how the utilized their sociological imagination, play a part in the environment we become a part of. As I’m coming from the working class family, there is an assumption that you have to go to the school or university for your social status or prestige of your life in my society. My parents always wanted more for me so they enlisted me in a catholic elementary and private high school in my county. So I saw how different I was compared to my other friend’s not in intelligence but in wisdoms. I knew that I was capable of doing more and becoming more because not only I did I believe in myself, my parents did too. It’s correct because when you are in private high school or catholic school, you have to pay tuition fees and a lot of people do not have money to spare with it. Instead of having the latest pairs of sneakers or shoes and throwing big parties for every holiday and your birthday, w e can save some money for the future and my education. From being in my current university student’s life, my entire life that I learn so much not only academically, but that I do not have to settle for what our social class or social location places us. After my private high school in my country, I went to my fist college in the United States. I encountered the language barriers and a lot of cultural differences in my first six months of college life here. I also learned that no matter how good you do academically, you will always be stereotyped and looks at differently because you’re a minority who comes from different cultures in the society. The sociological imagination is a capacity, ability, and a quality of mind that allows an individual to understand and connect her or his life with the forces and dynamics that impact it. It is about not blaming others for what they do, it is about judging ourselves before we judge others and understand people as if we understand ourselves for example if a student comes late to class there could be many reasons behind this student being late; there could have been traffic or an accident on the way that made him or her come late to class, so we should not judge but understand. Although we should separate between personal trouble and public issue, for example a student could be coming to class late all the time because of his or her laziness this would be called a personal trouble but if all students are coming late to class than this is called a public issue, meaning there is something wrong with the class. Sociological imagination engages in, the minority status, gender, socioeconomic status and the family structure. Sociological imagination is a social fact and empathy; social fact is the idea, feeling, behavior of individuals. An example of social fact is when the sun is rising, this is a social fact that we cannot change whether we like it or not it will still rise. There are many sociological issues in society; one of the issues learned in this course is the race and racism issue. Race and racism are two different issues race is a social constructed aspect of identity in all cultures, race is not biological it is powerful; it is what makes us who we are for example what we are born with like hair texture and skin color. Racism is an interlocking system of advantage based on race existing at individual and cultural symbolic. Racism comes from power, and culture. Racism happens when some social groups have more power over another social groups, but racism have changed even if it still exist it is not visible in which it is been described as dangerous or a hidden fact. Racism is racism that it can’t be better or worse in any country. Even though being born with a specific skin color is a cause of geographic conditions, in which where the person is born for example being born in a sunny place is different than being born in a place in which doesn’t have sun, so all humans are the same if we put skin color a side, also black people are born with more melanin in their skin and that protects them from getting cancer that’s why white skin colored people are more likely to get cancer than people with dark skin. So there are always advantages and disadvantages about what we have and what we don’t have. Society will always look at you twice before becoming a consideration for different things in an adult life. It takes a great deal of my social imagination to attend college. Not many people in my country feel like they are capable of going to college because of their general categories or social locations. College has always been a big thing in my family. My parents did not want me to settle for just any job that they wanted me to have a career and one that I enjoy. They want me to do well in the life so no only I can get out of the middle social class but I can also take them with me in my success. There is a limited amount of people in my immediate family who actually went to the college in here so going for me is a really big deal. I did not do really well in my past high school so that lead me to a selected few number of colleges to attend when I applied to school in here. I ended up choosing some universities close to my home town for my first student’s life. I decide d to go to Webster Thailand campus because I did not want to branch to far away from my family. I know that if I continue to do good academically I can transfer to a college in the big city like Singapore and still be close to my family. The sociological imagination distinguishes between two very distinct ends of reality, the â€Å"private troubles†and the â€Å"public issues†. To understand social reality, private troubles must be examined in the context of the larger issue. For example, a child who doing poor school work may be suffering from a private trouble but that issue is part of a larger picture. Is his trouble coming from a larger social problem that is also affecting his community? Is his trouble something which is common among his peer group? All feelings and emotions are inter-related in order to understand one end of society you must understand the others. The sociological imagination, written by C. Wright Mills, is an insightful critique of the research taking place in sociology. Mills states that the sociological imagination is the quality of mind that allows one to understand â€Å"history and biography and the relations between the two within society†(p.6). It allows one to switch from one perspective to another allowing for a comprehensive view of the â€Å"socio-cultural system†. Mills stated some very valid points in this analysis. By defining troubles and issues, he points to each of the connections they have to each other. A good example is on Page 9, when Mills mentions marriage. He states that â€Å"inside a marriage a man and a woman may experience personal troubles, but when the divorce rate during the first four years of marriage is 250 out of 1000 attempt, this is an indication of a structural issue†. Education is a key into overcoming one social location or the class. Doing good academically we can branch into different fields in which we can utilize and expand our experiences. Our social class will no longer be a fallback because we can get different types of scholarships. Social perspective plays a major part in one’s decision to go to the college because people want more in life not just what they were given. They want to learn more and they want to be more so getting a college education will get them there. People’s lives are shaped by society. They become accustomed to different things and try to stay in the trends in the society. One’s society plays a huge role in one’s personality and the way that they might live their lives. Social Stratification is regarded quite differently by the principle perspectives of sociology. Proponents of structural-functional analysis suggest that since social stratification exists in most state of the societies, a hierarchy must therefore be beneficial in helping to stabilize their existence. Talcott Parsons, an American sociologist, asserted that stability and social order are achieved by means of a universal value consensus. Functionalists assert that stratification exists solely to satisfy the functional per requisites necessary for a functional proficiency in any society. Conflict theorists consider the inaccessibility of resources and lack of social mobility n many stratified societies. They conclude, often working from the theories of Karl Marx, that stratification means that working class people are not likely to advance socioeconomically, while the wealthy may continue to exploit the proletariat generation after generation. Marx distinguished social classes by their connection to the means of production. Therefore the ruling class (the bourgeoisie) and the working class (the proletariat), identify their social positions by their relationship to the means of production. The maintenance of status quo is achieved by various methods of social control employed by the bourgeoisie in the course of many aspects of social life, such as through ideologies of submission promoted through the institution of religion. In the conclusion, my sociological imagination leads me to where I am today. I did not let other stereotypes about my social location and my social class play a part in my decision making process. I took a stand and decided to go to college to better not only for myself but for my family. The sociological imagination is an awareness of the relationship between an individual and wider society; a key element in this is the ability to view one’s society as an outsider’s would. As being humans, we can’t let our social location determine our abilities. We must explore beyond what we are given and what we are told is right. Humans must defeat their ordinary life by not setting themselves up for limited expectations in the society and we should also try to exceed our or everyone else’s expectations in our life. REFERENCES Mills, C. Wright. 1959. The Sociological Imagination. New York; Oxford University Press. Web. Engels, Friedrich and Marx, Karl. 1998. Manifesto of the Communist Party. New York. Web 10 Sep, 2013. Web 10 Sep, 2013. C Wright Mills, (1959), The Sociological Imagination, reprinted (2000), Oxford University, chapters 1-3 and 7, pages 3–75 and 132-143. Schwalbe, Michael. 1956. The Sociologically examined life: pieces of the conversation. Collins, Patricia Hill. December 1986. Social Problems 33. Web.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Corruption Free Society Essay Essay
Corruption is silently eating into the vitals of our nation like termite. Bit by bit, it is denting our dignity and compromising our soul. Not only does it affect individuals like you and me but alarmingly it affects our nation as a whole. Imagine our nation slowly transforming into a nation of scoundrels and imbeciles. The odds, that next person you meet on the street, having either asked for or having paid a bribe, are getting higher by the day. All this exhibits a problem that is not going anywhere soon and mocks the high moral ground that we aspire to occupy in the international arena. Corruption has afflicted all the organs of our society including the polity, bureaucracy, judiciary, police, businessmen, and even public at large. It has rendered our governance apparatus hollow and ineffective. Countless efforts to combat corruption have not made any significant dent into this hydra headed monster. It simply keeps growing bigger & bigger, consuming new and old alike. Things have come to such a pass that it is much more difficult for an honest person to survive in the system while the dishonest are clearly made to feel at home. Such a system forces even fresh recruit to quickly fall in line and creates a vicious circle that promotes corruption. So how do we break this vicious circle? This forum aspires not just to discuss & vent pent up anger. It also aims to become a means for gauging the level of Corruption in society. One of the primary reasons for Corruption to flourish is the utter secrecy associated with it. Everyone knows it is there but no one talks about it. Lets start talking about it, right here.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Business and Society
Social sustainability in businesses provides a petitive landscape as today being sustainable is more than an environmental gesture that makes sense for the long term. The panies are set up in the social context such that they are not only supported by a large number of stakeholders but also prises of managing people as well as organizing activities (Bowden 2013). As far as I think, the pany Coca Cola gives the best response to social sustainability as it is going far too as much with 98% of pliance level achievement with human rights policy when it es to managing people at the workplace (Coca-Cola pany 2015). Social sustainability takes in notion the responsibility of the actions that are considered to get a worldwide view of globalization, culture, and munities. When a pany is termed to be, socially ideal then that means it has been selling more products than the other products and has known to be reputable as well as respectful but alternatively is mitigating more risk (Gilbert 2015). However, I think here we are talking about multinational corporations like Wesfarmers, Rio Tinto, Woolworths Limited, National Australia Bank, etc. Nevertheless, ignoring social sustainability can invite issues like human rights as well as future liabilities. I had read recently about the mining industry in Australia where the people working in the industry, as well as people living near big mining projects, are facing issues in health. As a result, the industry has been facing plications in stakeholder management and good governance across environments. Not to mention, we cannot ignore the inhumane treatment that the employers are facing in the mining industry with a fair working wage. It's thereby time to put an end to social irresponsibility and to show a c old shoulder to the injustices taking place. One more example that es to my mind on the issue of sustainability that is apparel panies which have outsourced it manufacturing (weak unit) to Bangladesh. As a result, what happened is that after the collapse of Rana Plaza, they were looking for PR cover, which made the issues prominent in the eyes of media. However, I do not know why panies do not realize that this is increasing their liabilities. The integrity of the worker is not ensured in a pany where they do not flip these liabilities into assets like job security, high wages and safe working conditions for the former and checking the safety and pest contamination through special training to the latter (Rice 2013). Consumers, on the other hand, are on the view that they will entertain only those products whose panies care about environmental and social impact. One of the affluent example could be of the tobacco pany in India known by ITC has involved corporate social responsibilities through social issues like skill building vocational training to enhance employability and generate livelihoods for persons from disadvantaged sections of society (Itcportal 2016). Maintaining social responsibility across the panies has never been easier because as rightly said by Rice (July 2013), nothing can help in practicing social sustainability whether it is right information or right collaborators in the firm. However, the scenario has changed and panies reviews various initiatives for the sustainability model that yields experiences and similarity in goals but the most important issue that are dealt is social injustice, poverty, and opportunity for all that is denied, even for the workers working in the mining industry in Australia. However, if social sustainability is considered a long-term collaboration in any businesses then why it is still a poor strategic response and not a munity engagement everywhere? Although, there are panies like ITC and Coca-Cola Limited that are promoting corporate sustainability but others are only providing recognition of the need to manage social risk in business. The professional career is often dependent on the cultural language, economic and social nuances of particular families and people. Cultural petence creates opportunities while working in a professional environment. It is based on the society (Caligiuri 2013). According to my personal review, it is seen that schools are culturally diverse when it es to speaking or learning languages or understanding culture's importance at each level. However, during our school times in the school curriculum we had learned of different languages that not only added to our knowledge but also helped in identifying its importance while experiencing professionalism today. This explains cultural petence adds values as well as the strength by making the person well equipped while conveying culturally petent care (National Association of Social Workers 2016). When it es to analysing the professional environment, the culture identifies to meet the leaders who are not culturally diversified or qualified are not able to meet the changing needs of professionalism. Culturally diversified populations like Hispanics, the African-American and Asian people in the growing business scenario in America have been creating issue for the local panies as they are not able to meet their client base and are losing business in the long run as opined by a senior executive in the financial sector in America (Llopis 2011). Cultural understanding rather lack of cultural understanding, on the other hand, elaborates the weal environment at the workplace. During my personal job experience as a tele caller in one of the panies where diversification in language is important, but people never used to survive as a telecaller for long as they could not cope up with the changed languages. As a result, people started leaving the job because the workplace demanded this criterion but did not support in learning because many cultures cannot be developed at the same time. Moreover, it happens that our culture does not match the professionalism used in the workplace. However, during an interview when two candidates with the same qualification are peting, the only deciding factor remains is cultural petence. Lack of culture awareness whether it is related to clarity, relevance, reality, consistency or time for adjustments results in obstructing results in the professional career (Alvesson and Sveningsson 2015). Wheneve r we see any news or get to know anything about different culture, we try to imbibe it because today culture is not limited to social life but to our thinking, even that reflects our nature. In a way, people's knowledge of stereotypes of different cultures has resulted in judgmental behaviour as well as ethnocentrism. Today, problems depict that there is an essential lack of understanding about people especially teenagers and the young adult who illustrate to prove that they know about people's culture and beliefs. Although, learning is important because that highlights that there is the basic understanding of standards between cultures (Sarah 2016). Cultural understanding of knowledge can be distinguished from others depending on the specific gestures, facial expressions as well as body language. However, it is important to know that the cultural intelligence of any level can enhance cultural intelligence on basic business etiquettes, which now would want to work, or aspires to work. One should be thinking on its feet all the time to strike the cultural difference, which will not go unnoticed. The other disadvantage of lack of culture understanding highlights the lack of open-mindedness in a life changing experience because when I was small and use to go to parties, my friends used to call me "Gringos" and in the same way, my Turkish friend called me by "White Trash." However, all these ments are annoying but just because I was brought up in an environment where acceptance of worse situation even made you stronger and adaptable to situations. Nevertheless, all these similar activities can result in differences that could negativ ely affect the nature of the person. In addition, ethnic social groups understanding are negatively related to social difficulties (Miller 2016). On the other hand, change in culture could be challenging, as it needs to be learned and used in different solutions. Moreover, only a school can only provide the cultural change at the beginning whether it is needed for external interference or in the case of dramatic purposes. The practical journey of understanding of culture is only possible when one uses these in carrying to achieve the desired goal. Ethics has been one of the integral issues that every business needs to maintain. Ethics is governed by moral principles and appropriate conduct of the team or an individual in the profession. The rights and wrongs of a person build at an initial stage will help to understand to differentiate between moral principles (Ferrell and Fraedrich 2016). This can be well cited with personal experience. I have two siblings and being the eldest in my family; my parents tell me to be an example in front of my siblings. However, for an instance, if there was any fight between my siblings, I was the one who sorted out such that I used to ask my brother as well as my sister that what the reasons were that led to the fight. However, after listening to both of them, I used to support the one who was not at fault. Moreover, I used to guide them to the right and wrong things that could govern the argument. On the other hand, just as the example cited above from my personal experience states that every human being has different line of ethics irrespective of the reason we wishes to attribute is right or wrong. However, this can be bated when the person oneself questions that whatever activity was done was vitally moral or not. Although, professionally ethical behaviour differentiates the code of good conduct from the other (Durkheim 2013). I could explain this with the help of the movie’s instance in the movie Spiderman, where to bring down Spiderman's position; Eddie falsely takes a Spiderman's snap and performs Photoshop portraying him to be thief who is stealing from a bank. Although, later Peter Parker (Spiderman) when depicts the reality, Eddie Brock is thrown out of Daily Bugle. I cited this example because Eddie Brock was one of the petitors of Peter Parker at the workplace who wanted to put his position down and raise his standard of pliance, for this he gave a wrong stor y with a false document. This kind of unethical behaviour at workplace leads to an understanding of the difference between good or bad especially at work place. The result of unethical behaviour is always bad and may ruin one's life. However, here in this example the professional code of conduct is hampered and is disintegrated by doing wrong things at the workplace and conversely which leads to impacting others (Levy and Salvin 2013). Nonetheless, when it es to ethics for future professional life, I would always want to be directioned towards my goals and should always keep in mind the petencies that I will build up. In this direction, the future employees like me should always follow a path of ethical standards (Siddiqui, 2014). Although there are others as well, who even aspire for goals but follow planned and intended rather illegal ways to reach the top but following the same, if once caught or observed may lead to a drastic fall in career growth. Nevertheless, an importance of ethics in professional life can be evidenced in some instances from the success and failure of the business and business standards whether it is leaking of a confidential document or illegally getting a document sanctioned, falsifying claiming the revenue of other as one own and many others. All these issues need to be checked, and this can only be ensured by ethical standards (Castronovo 2014). This kind of behaviour anywhere will enable to discredit to our profession that we would be practicing. However, we should follow good ethics that always enhances our image when contrasting with the realistic image of the organization by letting our conscience guide us at all times. Albert Schweitzer rightly said, "Ethics is the activity of man directed to secure the inner perfection of his personality" (Siddiqui, 2014).  Alvesson, M. and Sveningsson, S., 2015. Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge. Bond, C.J. and Kirsch, P., 2015. Vulnerable populations affected by mining: Predicting and preventing outbreaks of physical violence. The Extractive Industries and Society, 2(3), pp.552-561. Bowden, R. 2013. The Importance Of Social Sustainability And Your Business. SteamFeed. Caligiuri, P., 2013. Cultural agility: Building a pipeline of successful global professionals. John Wiley & Sons. Castronovo, R., 2014. Propaganda 1776: Secrets, Leaks, and Revolutionary munications in Early America. Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2016. Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education. Gilbert, S.D., 2015. Business Liability and Economic Damages. Business Expert Press.
Natural Gas and Oil Horizontal Drilling Technology Thesis
Natural Gas and Oil Horizontal Drilling Technology - Thesis Example As the discussion declares the increased popularity of horizontal drilling led to substantive growths in the achievable length of horizontal boreholes. Currently, horizontal displacements can extend to more than 8,000 feet. On the other hand, technicians have been unable to demonstrate the commercial feasibility of horizontal drilling and wells used in the production of natural gas, although several horizontal wells have previously been used in the production of coal seam gas. According to the report findings an accepted description of what constitutes horizontal drilling has not been written. However, the following is a notable definition that combines the vital components of two noteworthy published definitions: horizontal drilling refers to a process of drilling and implementing, for the purpose of production, a well, which starts as a vertical linear bore, which extends from the earth surface to a sub layer location above the oil or gas reservoir. This target is referred to as the kickoff point, and the extension bears off a curve to traverse the reservoir at the well’s entry point. Thereafter, the arch continues at an almost horizontal attitude tangent to the curve to remain in the reservoir partially or wholly till the required bottom hole location is attained. The mechanical purpose of horizontal drilling is to uncover significantly additional reservoir rocks to a well bore surface than attainable through drilling traditional vertical wells.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Apple Supply Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Apple Supply Chain - Essay Example Apple Inc has able to develop a supply chain management that has been studied by most companies. With the recent earthquake in Japan, Apple is expected to face considerable supply issues but so far Apple has been able to survive the recent challenge. APPLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Apple supply chain management is unique in the sense that they manufacture the parts of their products in Asian countries, especially China, and assemble and market its product in California. Apple Supply Chain management is successful because of their successful outsourcing and the make-buy decision. ‘Outsourcing is defined as the contracting of one or more of the company’s business processes to an outside service provider to help increase shareholder value, by primarily reducing operating costs and focusing on core competencies’ (Kulkarni and Sharma, 2004). Apple has made great use of the outsourcing alternative by keepings its core competency, that is, its design and user interface wit hin the company while outsourcing the production. In this way, Apple has considerably reduced its operating costs through this process without compromising on its positioning as the best technology. Before proceeding further, we need to understand the typical movement of Apple products from the origin to the end users. Products such as the Apple iPod, iMac, iPhone etc are first designed in the Apple headquarters located in California. Once the team of designers develops the unique look and design for the product, the supply chain team in collaboration with the engineers and designers decides the suppliers for the particular product. Most of Apple’s products are manufactured at Foxxcon, a Taiwanese electronic company. This company is responsible for the products of the parts of iPhone while Apple keeps the original blue print of the product with itself to prevent any copyright issues (Xu, Tjoa and Chaudhry, 2007). Once the products are developed, they are shipped to Apple Inc. headquarters located in California. Thus, California assumes the responsibility of marketing and distributing the product. With the increase in demand of Apple products internationally, the products are distributed almost everywhere in the world including China, which is turning out to be the most developing market for Apple products. Thus, ‘Apple serves as the supply chain coordinator, integrator, and provider of operations best-practices, innovations, and strategies for all its partners’ (Simchi-Levi, 2010) THE MAKE-BUY DECISION For a supply chain to succeed in the best possible manner, the make-buy decision is the primary and most crucial decisions for the supply chain manager. The supply chain manager needs to be aware of the products that the company would be making and the products that the company would buy from other suppliers. This decision is based on the knowledge of the core competencies. Core competencies are those factors where the organization excels at and the key areas where the organization has able to develop a unique selling proposition (Monczka, Handfield, Guinipero, Patterson and Walters , 2010). . In the case of Apple, the core competency is its design and the user interface it has developed for the consumers. The technology comes in part and parcel of the design while the actual production is secondary. When consumers buy Apple products,
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Bermuda Triangle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Bermuda Triangle - Essay Example s bizarre theories regarding this Bermuda Triangle, none of the theories confirms that the puzzling disappearances occur more frequently in comparison to other most-traveled areas of the ocean (Baumgardner 2012). Theorists have blamed the Bermuda triangle’s supposed mystery on everything from Atlantis, aliens and sea monsters to reverse gravity fields and time warps. However, most scientifically psyched theorists have pointed the bizarre to waterspouts, magnetic anomalies or huge explosion of methane gas from the floor of the ocean, yet overalls, there is no single theory that solves the mystery. Plate boundaries separate the earths continents and seafloors. The crust that forms the bottom of the earths oceans is being generated constantly along mid-ocean ridges and mountain ranges. According to Baumgardner (2012), "Mid-ocean ridges are the boundaries between tectonic plates and forms the separation points of the plates." The central process of formation of new ocean crust is known, however little is understood about exactly what occurs in the unstable environment of the mid-ocean ridges and how fast the process occurs. Volcanos are found where tectonic plates come together or pull apart. Most of the volcanos are caused by mid-ocean ridges, a perfect example of the area of the Bermuda Triangle, like the mid-Atlantic ridge. Therefore, the location of the alleged Bermuda Triangle exposes it to volcanic eruptions that cause the ships to sink and planes to vanish. The U.S. Navy has no belief of the existence of the does Bermuda Triangle neither does the U.S. Board on Geographic Names recognizes the name as an official, but the truth is, the triangle exists (Baumgardner
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
How and why might violence against women be perceived as indicator of Essay
How and why might violence against women be perceived as indicator of unequal citizenship - Essay Example This paper presents a very thoughtful argument as to why and how violence against women is an indicator of unequal citizenship. It explores the aspect of gender violence as a whole providing particular forms of violence affecting women, locations where these forms of violence take place, role of government in eliminating violence, and the key political values and forms of citizenship linked either directly or indirectly to the increased widespread of gender violence. Indeed, violence against women can be seen as an indicator of unequal citizenship in that from ancient times; women have been perceived as having no value in the society and considered as a man’s property. They were mandated to be submissive to their husbands and not perform industrial activities; they were forced to early marriage, and practiced female genital mutilations as well as mistreating widows like inciting them to commit suicide.2 In addition, with all these, there is no equal citizenship because men alw ays dominate and abuse women but a few or no perpetrators are brought to justice. For instance, there have been claims that death sentence as a rape case charge does not end violence but failure to prosecute rapists does not eliminate violence either. Today, feminist movements have addressed the issue of violence and discrimination aggressively as a criminal act so as to ensure that there is equality and elimination of gender discrimination because women need to be treated fairly equally as men. Additionally, violence against women serves, as a perfect example of unequal citizenship in that, the fact that women are not equally given chance to occupy some offices is a sign of inequality and as a result, women feel left out. Even though most women in the contemporary world are offered different job opportunities and others are even designated some tasks that are usually performed by men, they are still discriminated in some sectors. This to some extent can be seen as an indicator of u nequal citizenship. Furthermore, existences of forms of violence that affect women across a variety of location like battering, domestic violence, sexual violence among others, and the fact that responsible bodies cannot aggressively address them confirms gender imbalance and unequal citizenship. For instance, most societal members especially men believe that wife battering not a big issue and it is something that must be done as a way of ‘disciplining women’. More so, violence against women shows unequal citizenship since it has been noted that popular form of violence against women globally is intimate partner violence commonly referred to as domestic violence. This is what has been happening and is still happening but the government cannot work on this to offer complete protection of women. Psychological violence where a man dominates a woman and literally forcing her to be submissive to him as well as exploiting her economically,3 persists. Indeed, this confirms tha t violence against women is a manifestation of unequal citizenship in our societies. Truly, violence against women indicates unequal citizenship because men usually abuse women in other ways like sex working, child abuse and trafficking and yet, just like men they are supposed to be protected.4 As a result, only few perpetrators are held accountable of their inhuman acts and it has been confirmed that some police officers threaten the victims to never say a word. This for sure can be seen as lack of protection of wome
Monday, September 9, 2019
Stroke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Stroke - Essay Example Stroke has been classified into two main categories where we have ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke takes place when the supply of blood to some area of the brain is impeded causing malfunction of that part of the brain. Ischemic stroke can result from venous thrombosis, systemic hyperfusion (which refers to a general reduction in the supply of blood such as shock), embolism (impediment/ obstruction caused by an embolus) or thrombosis (obstruction of the flow of blood when blood clots). Cryptogenic stroke is a stroke of unknown origins and lacks clear explanation. Cryptogenic strokes make up a third of all ischemic strokes. Dependent on symptom extents, stroke episodes can be grouped as posterior circulation infarct (POCI), lacunar infarct (LACI), partial anterior circulation infarct (PACI) or total anterior circulation infarct (TACI). These four episode categories can give insight on the area of the brain that has been impacted, extent of stroke, the underlying cause and prognosis. Approximately 85% of strokes are of ischemic nature (Lindley, 2008, 102). Unlike ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, on the other hand, occur due to rapture of a vessel of blood or a vascular structure that is abnormal. Intracranial hemorrhage denotes the accumulation of blood in any part of the skull vault. Extra-axial hemorrhage is accumulation of blood inside the skull but outside the brain whereas intra-axial hemorrhage is blood inside the brain (caused by intra-ventricular hemorrhage or intra-parenchymal hemorrhage). Subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding between the pia mater and the arachnoid mater), subdural hematoma (bleeding in the subdural space) and epidural hematoma (bleeding between the skull and the dura mater) are the commonest kind of extra-axial hemorrhage. Most forms of hemorrhagic stroke posses specific symptoms. Some hemorrhages take place within regions of ischemia in a
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Emotional Abuse Awareness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Emotional Abuse Awareness - Research Paper Example Therefore, the purpose of this research is, not only, to bring awareness to emotional abuse happening around us, but also to provide help for those who have been victimized. The number of teenagers who are daily abused emotionally has continued to increase everyday to appoint of equalizing to the number of those teenagers who are sexually and physically abused and this is a consequence of failure of psychological abuse occasionally coming up with education programs aimed at treating or counseling the victims. For example, where parents have been beating up their children ruthlessly, such children develop phobia that grow with the children up to their late ages. The children feel isolated or intimated, and if the father is the one who often beats her up, she may develop an attitude of hatred towards men in the whole of her life. It is important to pinpoint that teenagers are at their learning phase, and they require to be impacted with courage, knowledge and skills instead of making them live in tension and phobic to several life occasions. Adolescent age is one of the critical life stage that require complete care handling in terms of how we talk to them and how we correct their mistakes. Additionally, adolescents are very active and it is on this stage where the parents or a guardian needs to devote their time and other resources to make sure total control of the teenagers did. Due to such risk associated with the adolescent, guardians and parents have implemented oppressive rule and regulations such as remaining indoors always. Such rule or regulation denies the adolescent the right to socialize with other adolescents. Therefore, when the rules and regulation are very tight the adolescent feels denied their rights to enjoy total advantages as a youth and this data has been established by a sampling technique of 215 and 265 females who are suffering from emotional abuse hence the need to create awareness in order to stop
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