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Monday, August 24, 2020
Characteristics of Expository free essay sample
The kind of association utilized for Setting the Table was the useful procedure. An interpretive article created by the useful procedure is a how to paper. This exposition was wrote in a bit by bit process providing data all together, depicting how to prepare the table. Time Order was utilized as the sort of association in the paper A Soul as Free as the Air. This explanatory exposition utilizes explicit dates and ordered association of data starting with one period then onto the next. This sort of association organizes data as indicated by date or explicit time. o Why do you think each writer picked that kind of association for their article? In what ways does this authoritative decision make the paper viable? I accept that the useful procedure was the most ideal approach to depict and convey data in the exposition Setting the Table. I accept that the time request association process was picked by the creator in light of the fact that there was data that should have been given from various occasions. We will compose a custom article test on Attributes of Expository or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page What impact may the writer have accomplished with another sort of association or another kind of explanatory article? I think either time request or educational procedure could have been utilized for both of the expositions. Utilizing the time request for Setting the Table would have worked similarly too, telling the peruser â€Å"First this†â€Å"Second that†ect. o In what ways are these descriptive expositions the same? In what ways would they say they are unique? o Explain your answers. These articles are fundamentally the same as. Both are giving of realities and data. Be that as it may, they are diverse on the grounds that one is telling â€Å"how to†accomplish something, giving explicit headings to appropriately prepare a table. The other is a course of events of Lucy Stones life and achievements.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Addictive Behaviour free essay sample
Conduct â€Å"that is dreary, that happens at high close to home and social expense, and that happens regardless of information on these expenses is named addictive†(Spiga, 2002, p. 510). Procedure enslavement is a dependence on a way or procedure of securing the addictive substance. The capacity of enslavement is to keep individuals withdrawn of themselves (Rice, 1998). Frailty To be frail is to be without the quality or ability to act. Certain sentiments of weakness happen to an individual when the person esteems that the individual can't do or communicate what the person genuinely needs. A model situation of frailty inside the work environment would be: An upkeep personnel’s work is constrained to performing cleaning and sanitation work as per important methods and rules; keeping up a spotless office; getting waste from jars; authorizing sterile prerequisites; and performing preventive support on mechanical and electrical gear. Briefly, the upkeep work force should just guarantee the neatness and effectiveness of gear inside the workplace. We will compose a custom paper test on Addictive Behavior or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This implies he doesn't have an entrance to the electronic information documents that office laborers approach. Additionally, he doesn't approach the utilization of online archive or gaming sources. To begin with, the kind of employment that the support work force hold is viewed as on the lower level in the hierarchical structure of the workplace. This implies the force the person has over the utilization of the hardware and materials in the workplace is extremely restricted; the individual is regarded weak as far as office material use. The constraints introduced with respect to the support work force could be a high inspiration for the person in question to utilize the workplace gear when the person in question sees that no one thinks about it. The weakness conjured by the kind of employment could lead into making a constant covert utilization of the workplace hardware, especially office PCs. The individual in question may then expect to utilize the gear after available time and when no one is available, and this propensity may go to be an addictive conduct at long last. Weakness may summon two unique impacts; the one as have recently been spread out, and the subsequent impact could be remedial, endless supply of this idea, may forestall the personnel’s subtle utilization of the PC by ascribing frailty as a self-idea. Learned frailty becomes self-propagating, regardless of whether the outer powers are no longer there. Since the faculty discovered that weakness for his situation implied being on the odd side of the chain of importance, he revolted on this frailty, transforming into an addictive conduct. On the off chance that he knew about the weakness as a self-idea and not actually the result of an outside power, for example the workplace progression, at that point he would have the option to comprehend that the addictive conduct of secretive PC use might be forestalled. There is a need for those with addictive conduct to â€Å"shift their position from one that declares mastery over oneself, others, and nature to one that acknowledges the truth of limitation†(Krestan, 2000, p. 15). Transference Transference relates to a procedure wherein the feelings gained from before affiliations or connections are moved to one’s new relationship encounters. In a working environment setting, transference may occur in a less difficult way: A secretary works for her male chief. Every once in a while, her supervisor happens to yell at her as a result of poor business reports or confused gathering plans. Each time the secretary sees her chief, she gets discouraged, dreadful, and ungainly that she frequently delivers inadequate reports. The downturn and dread that she feels in the workplace is likewise felt in her home when she returns home. Her dad is the bossy-type specialist who had consistently admonished her in any event, when she was as yet a youngster. She at that point surrenders to the utilization of amphetamines so as to mix away her regular sentiment of wretchedness. The transference happened to be the reason for discouragement of the secretary. She felt discouraged at whatever point her dad chided her, and this relationship of her father’s admonishing to her boss’s censure finished the transference. She sees her supervisor to resemble her dad; in actuality, she feels similar feelings in both setting. In the event that she thought about the transference that occurs with her relationship of her dad with her chief, she might have the option to think distinctively in her office and perform better. She may not give up to the utilization of antidepressants to make sure she could carry out her responsibility appropriately.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Japanese Culture in Present Day
Japanese Culture in Present Day Effect of the Uniqueness and Diversity of Japanese Culture Nowadays Mar 26, 2018 in Economics Cultural Identity of Japan Japan is an Island in the East Asia. It is a country with a unique cultural identity. The four main islands that make up Japan are Honshu, Shikoku, Hokkaido and Kyushu. About seven thousand additional islands also constitute it. Shinto and Buddhism, along with other cultures, prevail in the country. Shinto and Buddhism each serve a distinct function; this is due to the intrinsic characteristics that each posses within the Japanese culture. Much of its culture has developed over centuries of feudal ruling. The culture has also benefited from the Geographic isolation of the country. Japanese culture is diverse and its traditions are deeply rooted in history. It entails fashion and clothing with many traditional forms of cloth and accompanying accessories. The most common form of traditional Japanese clothing is Kimono, worn by Japanese women. It usually comes in different forms, having different meanings while worn for specific occasions. Kimono ranges from casual to wedding attires. Music is a significant part of the Japanese culture. Musical instruments accompany music in the Japanese culture. Koto is one of the most sophisticated musical instruments that are associated with the youth. Koto is similar to harp, played in the West. The music ranges from traditional to modern, including J-POP and Japanese Rock Music.
Friday, May 22, 2020
America’s Shame the Chronicle of Higher Education Essay
Poverty is unfortunately a worldwide issue. What responsibility do we have to help the rest of the world with their issues of poverty, as well as our own? If we honestly think about reducing poverty, how will the world benefit? How will the US benefit? Peter Singer is the author of the article â€Å"America’s Shame: The Chronicle of Higher Education. He completed this article on May 13, 2009. The authors intention is to show Americas true and current role, as a developed country, in the decline of poverty. Per Singer (2009), Education seems to be the key to eradication of poverty. I have in mind a broad re-envisioning of what we teach. He is of the opinion that every educational course should focus on a particular global problem. Singer†¦show more content†¦In 2007, Unicef announced that, for the first time since record keeping began, the number of deaths of young children had fallen below 10 million a year. Public-health campaigns against smallpox, measles, and mala ria have contributed to the drop in child mortality, as has economic progress in several countries. The decline is even more impressive because the worlds population has more than doubled since 1960. Impression 4 Emotion and Fact Singer (2009) There is mistaken belief that a country like the U.S provides a lot of aid that is a percentage of national spending when in real sense the amount of Government spending that goes to aid is about one 1%. Moreover, the majority of U.S. aid is not directed to helping the extremely poor. Only about a quarter of U.S. aid goes to countries classified by the OECD as least developed. The leading recipients of official aid are Middle Eastern countries due to war on terror or help to stabilize that part of the world. Impression 5 Emotional and Fact Governments and state agencies need to be more concerned in the obliteration of poverty through providing foreign aid. As much as people think that America does its part in providing foreign aid, statistics from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development show that the U.S has been at the bottom of the list of industrialized countries as per proceeds that they give to foreign support. (Singer, 2009) Impression 6 Emotional andShow MoreRelatedViolence in Cartoons Essay724 Words  | 3 Pageson what they observe throughout the majority of the day. Which tends to be a negative affect on the child do to cartoons. (kunkel b4) Considering these facts, one could come to the conclusion that cartoons could possibly be damaging to a child’s education. In 1997, juveniles caused 27% of serious violent offenses. (vos post) Though it is not possible to say that cartoons influenced the minds of these offenders, it seems to have played some part. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Pursuit of Happiness Essay - 584 Words
For our Economics subject, we watched The Pursuit of Happyness, a movie based on Chris Gardner, a salesman who was not making that much money and eventually experiences homelessness with his five-year old son. He faces problems when his wife is unwilling to accept his goal to become a stockbroker and leaves him. However, he perseveres even under all this stress. Chris Gardner excels at his stockbroker internship in Dean-Witter, earning the attention and respect from his superiors. However, his personal life plunges exponentially. He loses his money and has to resort to sleeping in homeless shelters and subway station bathrooms. He begins to think that happiness can never really be achieved, but he is proved wrong when he feels happy†¦show more content†¦The film also teaches us that we must persevere, as shown by Gardner when he stood against all odds in order to achieve a perfect life for him and his son. In the end, I think that The Pursuit of Happyness is a pretty inspiring film. It presents to us the struggles that many face, especially in the poorer parts of the world. It shows us that we can achieve anything as long us we put our minds to it. It is an eye-opener that tells us we should do the best in everything we do. After all, we are the masters of our own lives, in a final analysis. For our Economics subject, we watched The Pursuit of Happyness, a movie based on Chris Gardner, a salesman who was not making that much money and eventually experiences homelessness with his five-year old son. He faces problems when his wife is unwilling to accept his goal to become a stockbroker and leaves him. However, he perseveres even under all this stress. Chris Gardner excels at his stockbroker internship in Dean-Witter, earning the attention and respect from his superiors. However, his personal life plunges exponentially. He loses his money and has to resort to sleeping in homeless shelters and subway station bathrooms. He begins to think that happiness can never really be achieved, but he is proved wrong when he feels happy for the first time in the longest time after he lands a job in Dean Witter. This film has showed me that we all should aim high. Gardner started out as a lowlyShow MoreRelatedThe Pursuit of Happiness760 Words  | 4 PagesThe Pursuit of Happiness Andrew Roberts PSY/220 June 9, 2013 The Pursuit of Happiness The Pursuit of Happiness for one person is different for that of another person. The same goes for those of different cultures. It could be the traditions in how they are brought up as children and what they are taught to believe at an early age. In America we are continually told about the American Dream which is the portrait of the perfect family in a Norman Rockwell painting, the perfect job, the houseRead MorePursuit of Happiness732 Words  | 3 PagesIs the pursuit of happiness the most important goal in life or is it just selfish? I once was told that the average person thinks about happiness at least twice a day. Its only 9pm and I can already tell you that Ive been happy and unhappy many times today. If I asked a group of people what they wanted most out of their lives for themselves or their family, whether for tomorrow or the rest of your life, most people would say happiness. Some might say money, but only because they think money willRead MoreThe Pursuit Of Happiness2173 Words  | 9 Pages The Pursuit of Happiness A true basis of what it means to be an American can be thoroughly argued on the grounds of what constitutes an American, is an American born or is an American made. The collective identity of the American populace is the shared characteristics, the same drive, which ultimately results in oneness. The unique American cultural identity is the shared revolutionary nature, which drives Americans toward progressive social changes in the pursuit of personal happiness. Read MoreThe Pursuit Of Happiness1320 Words  | 6 PagesZakaria El Amrani El Idrissi THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer thinks that real happiness does not exist. In his view, the best a person can achieve is to reduce misery. Through his book The wisdom of life, he explains that for true happiness we need the complete absence of all pain and the complete satisfaction of all desires. For Schopenhauer, a bearable life consists of having very low expectations. Following this logic, to live a less miserable lifeRead MoreThe Pursuit Of Happiness Essay1700 Words  | 7 PagesThe Pursuit of Happiness Every other Monday morning the workers of the fast food restaurant next door line up in my lobby waiting to cash their paychecks. There is a wide range of ages, races, and sexes; there is no one demographic in the lobby. The conversations are about coworkers not present or about their spouses. They complain about the long shifts or an angry customer they encountered in the drive up this morning. One young woman discusses her daughter’s adventures at kindergarten. ThereRead MorePursuit of Happiness1081 Words  | 5 PagesNà ³i là 7 tià ªu chà nhÆ °ng t là m luà ´n 1 cà ¡i dà n à ½ nhà ©. Tà ´i ghi má º ¥y chi tiá º ¿t giá º £i thà ch tá » «ng phá º §n cho mn xem Ä‘á »Æ' dá »â€¦ hiá »Æ'u nhà ©. Tuy nhià ªn tá º ¡i cà ³ 1 sá »â€˜ cà ¡i trong sà ¡ch ko cà ³ giá º £i thà ch cá » ¥ thá »Æ' nà ªn tà ´i tà ¬m thà ªm trà ªn má º ¡ng ná º ¿u má » i ngÆ °Ã¡ » i thá º ¥y cá º §n bá »â€¢ sung hay cá º ¯t bá »â€ºt gà ¬ thà ƒ ¬ cá » © cmt nhà © :D 7 tià ªu chà gá »â€œm: - Plot - Character (Character vá »â€ºi Plot tui cho luà ´n và o Overview nhà © ko sá » £ mn lá º ¡i thá º ¯c má º ¯c sao ko Ä‘á » § 7 má » ¥c) - Setting - Point of view - Style- Tone- Language - Themes - Symbolism Cà ²n Ä‘Ã ¢y dà n à ½. Tà ´i há » iRead MoreIn The Pursuit of Happiness578 Words  | 3 PagesIndividuals try to find happiness, but like water or air, it is hard to clench in your hands. As defined in Merriam-Webster (2014), happiness is a state of well-being and contentment. However, happiness is hard to achieve, but it can be as simple as being contented, doing what you love, and living who you really are. Furthermore, everyone asks how one would know that they have it already. Happiness is hard to achieve. Some people follow several steps in order to get what they want. People have unlimitedRead MorePursuit of Happiness647 Words  | 3 Pages25 April 2014 Authentic Happiness We began this course with the question â€Å"What is happiness? and Can we all achieve authentic Happiness? In our life we are taught many things, but we are not taught how to achieve our own happiness. Over the last five weeks we truly learned what happiness is and I believe we all can achieve authentic happiness in our life. In Authentic Happiness, Martin Seligman uses happiness and well being as the terms to describe the goals of Positive Psychology. The desiredRead MoreAn Analysis of The Pursuit of Happiness752 Words  | 3 PagesThe Pursuit of Happyness Abstract Some of the most common themes in contemporary biographical films revolve around social life as well as the accompanying problems that living in todays society entails. By making connections to individual personal lives, these films help most people make sense of the world in which they live. In this regard, this paper focuses on the film, The Pursuit of Happyness outlining various cultural issues as well as problems faced by the starring; Will Smith playingRead MoreThe Pursuit Of Happiness Essay1315 Words  | 6 PagesThe Pursuit of Happiness vs. the Pursuit of Meaning â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.†As you know these words come from the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, perhaps one of the greatest documents ever written. However, I do have a little problem with the last four words sentence, â€Å"the pursuit of Happiness†because
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Young’s Double Slit Experiment Free Essays
Young’s double slits Formal Lab Florencia Shi Purpose: The double slits experiment was conducted to observe the interference of light waves, to explore how interference pattern would be affected by different colours, and to determine whether interference would change if the angle of slits was changed horizontally or vertically. Hypothesis: Dark and light bands would be seen, and red light causes wider nodal spacing, while blue light causes shorter nodal spacing. Materials: In this experiment, a lamp base assembly, a piece of blue filter, a piece of red filter, a slit plate, a laser pointer, a meter scale, and a 40 W lamp were used. We will write a custom essay sample on Young’s Double Slit Experiment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Procedures: 1. A 40 W lamp was assembled in a lamp base assembly, and the assembly was settled on the edge of a desk top. 2. The lamp was turned on. And the filament of the lamp was seen, from a distance, by a person through the double slits on the slit plate. The shape of the interference was recorded. 3. A piece of red filter was placed in front of the lamp, and the lamp was seen, from a distance through the same double slits. The change of the interference pattern was recorded. 4. The filament of the lamp was seen by a student standing a certain distance away through the same double slits with a piece of blue filter placed in front of the lamp. The change of interference pattern was observed. 5. The slit plate was rotated vertically and horizontally, while other factors were kept constant. The change of interference pattern was observed. 6. The laser light conducted by the laser pen was directed through the double slits onto a piece of paper located 3m away. The interference pattern was observed through the slits. 7. The nodal spacing on that piece of paper was measured. 8. Step 6 and step 7 were repeated at a distance of 2m away. Observations: 1. The patterns of lamp light interference were dark and light bands, while the patterns of laser interference were dark and light spots. 2. After the red filter was placed in front of the lamp, the nodal spacing increased. After the blue filter was placed in front of the lamp, the nodal spacing decreased. 3. After the slit plate was rotated vertically, the light and dark bands were not parallel to each other any more, because after the slit plate was rotated vertically, the top and bottom of the double slits were not in the same vertical straight line. After the slit plate was rotated horizontally, the nodal spacing increased, because the distance between two slits (d) decreased. |Distance |? x1/2 |? x2 |? x3 |? x4 |? x5/2 |? xav | |(m) | | | | | | | |3m |0. 0022 |0. 0051 |0. 0049 |0. 0042 |0. 0025 |0. 0047 | |2m |0. 020 |0. 0048 |0. 0042 |0. 0039 |0. 0021 |0. 0043 | Discussion: 1. Dark and light bands were seen through the double slits. These were seen because the two lights came from the same source and had the same frequency. Therefore interference of light waves occurred. The light band was where two crests or two troughs intersected (antinodes), and the dark band was where a crest and a trough intersected (nodes). 2. A wider nodal space occurred in the interference pattern. Since when the lamp was blocked by the red filter, only red light could go through it, and the dark band occurs when the difference between the travelling distances of the two light waves is half of the wavelength. Since the red light has a longer wavelength, half of the wavelength increases accordingly, which means the dark bands will be more away from the central bright band. 3. The nodal space of the interference pattern decreased, since blue light has a shorter wavelength. 4. Blue has the shorter wavelength, and it was proved when the nodal spacing of the interference pattern became shorter. 5. After the slit plate was rotated vertically, the light and dark bands were not parallel to each other any more, because after the slit plate was rotated vertically, the top and bottom of the double slits were not in the same vertical straight line. After the slit plate was rotated horizontally, the nodal spacing increased, because the distance between two slits (d) decreased. 7. The pattern of laser interference consisted of light and dark spots, while the pattern of lamp light interference consisted of dark and light bands, because the light of the lamp could diffuse into a wider range of direction, while laser was ollimated, and was directed into a much narrower direction. 8. |Distance |? x1/2 |? x2 |? x3 |? x4 |? x5/2 |? xav | |(m) | | | | | | | |3m |0. 0022 |0. 0051 |0. 0049 |0. 0042 |0. 0025 |0. 0047 | |2m |0. 0020 |0. 0048 |0. 0042 |0. 0039 |0. 0021 |0. 0043 | 9. 1. Conclusion: Based on observations gathered during the experiment, the interference pattern of the 40 W lamp consi sted of dark and light bands. When red filter was used, the nodal spacing of the pattern increased, and when blue filter was used, the nodal spacing of the pattern decreased. After the slit plate was rotated vertically, the light and dark bands were not parallel to each other any more. After the slit plate was rotated horizontally, the nodal spacing increased. The interference pattern changed into dark and light spots, after laser pointer replaced the lamp as a light source. The wavelength of the laser was predicted to be And the percentage of error calculated was Experimental Uncertainties: 1. The value of nodal spacing (? x) measured was not precise because the scale of a meter scale is only accurate to millimetres. 2. The slit plate was not exactly parallel to the screen that interference pattern was shown. 3. The measured nodal spacing (? x) was not precise due to the width of the slit. The d was only the distance between two slits, without including the width of the slit. How to cite Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Willies role in a stage production of the play Essay Example For Students
Willies role in a stage production of the play Essay Harold Brighouse wrote Hobsons Choice. Mr. Brighouse was born in Lancashire 1882. Harold Brighouse wrote a lot of plays featuring Lancashire. Harold was a very clever in school but wasnt interested in going to University. Mr. Brighouse was brought up happily in middle-class family. Mr. Brighouses father was called by the name of John Brighouse. Mr. Brighouse was a Theatergoer. He went to local theatres. When went on holiday to London he found a whole different world. Mr. Brighouse returned and quitted his job in the office to become a full time play writer. Mr. Brighouse and some local people formed a group called Manchester School of Dramatists. Manchester School of Dramatists wrote about ordinary people and their lives. The newly formed group changed the art of plays. During 1800-1900 plays were mainly about the rich and popular. Manchester School of Dramatists changed play writing and involved the poor and ordinary. In 1914 the play industry halted because of the outbreak of World War One, which lasted for four years. At the start of World War One Mr. Brighouse was in France. He was forced to leave France and return home. At this point Mr. Brighouse really started to concentrate on writing his plays. We will write a custom essay on Willies role in a stage production of the play specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now When Mr. Brighouse started to write his plays with passion and pride he wrote the play Hobsons Choice. The genre of this play was comedy. Hobsons Choice was eventually shown at the end of World War One. The play was written rapidly. Mr. Brighouse changed the course of the final act and set the play back in time to the 1800. The phrase Hobsons Choice is well known. To have Hobsons Choice is to have no choice at all. Hobsons Choice comes from the 17th Century Cambridgeshire horse trader choice Hobson. Hobsons customers in theory had free choice but in practice they bought what Hobson wanted them to buy. As in the play Maggie leaves Hobson a choice but the threat of legal action made Hobson vulnerable and he didnt have a choice but to let Vickey and Alice of the shelf. William Mossop a lanky fellow. Aged about 30 years. Willie is not naturally stupid but is stunted mentally by a brutalized childhood. Willie clothes are mentioned as a poorer edition of Tabbys. When Willie comes up the trap door like a rabbit he is praised by Mrs. Hepworth, these are the best made pair of boots Ive ever had. In the film Willie looks up at Mrs. Hepworth and Mr. Hobson as a child looking up at adults. The next scene Maggie calls Willie up from the cellar. Willie comes up then hesitates to come close to Maggie then demands Willie to show her his hands. Willie holds them out hesitatingly saying, there dirty (like child). Maggie values Willies skills, Youre a natural born genius at making boots. Maggie referred to the big shops of Manchester. Willie is scared of going to bigger shops. Willie in the play always spoke the truth. Maggie asks Willie to marry her. Willie is baffled and when Willie is amazed he says by gum. Willies attitude changes he doesnt want to marry Maggie and he tells her face-to-face. When the word is broken out, Hobson gets angry. Willie stands up for himself when getting whipped. Willie kisses Maggie to get Hobson angry and then runs out of the door with Maggie. Maggie praises Willie by telling him, I knew you had it in you, lad. A month later, Maggie and Willie go back to Hobsons shop. Maggie tells Vickey and Alice that Willie and her are getting married. Alice doesnt want Willie as her brother-in-law. Maggie back Willie up, hes as good as you are now, and better. .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a , .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .postImageUrl , .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a , .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a:hover , .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a:visited , .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a:active { border:0!important; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a:active , .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6a3411126be63664a5c501cad7a2761a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Play EssayWillie interrupts her Way, come Maggie, this shows that Willie still respects Vickey and Alice. Vickey calls Willie a queer. Maggie forces Vickey and Alice to kiss Willie and show that there are equal. Maggie at the end of act two still doesnt trust Willie. She carries her own ring. An actor playing the part of Willie Mossop in act one and two will have to play the part like as if he was a kid. The actor will have to be amazed easily. When Maggie asks him to marry her he will have to move back when saying, by gum. In the first two acts the actor will as a shy and defenseless person. The actor will have to look puzzled by opening his eyes wide and speaking very slowly. Near the end of act one when Willie is whipped with Hobsons belt, the actor will have to make a slight change. The actor will speak more like a man than a child but the audience will still see that he is scared. To stress how the actor can play Willies part like a child at the start of the play, the actor will say his lines looking half way up from the trap door observing the so called adults (Mrs. Hepworth and Mr. Hobson).
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